Microencapsulation of the extracts from gingko leaves
Graphical Abstract
Microencapsulation of extracts from gingko leaves can be used as a function food additive to solve some problems such as undissolved property in water and the bitterness of gingko flavonoids. Spray-drying was employed to microencapsulate extracts from gingko leaves using Arabin gum and β-cyclodextrin as the wall materials and the extracts as the core material. The results showed that the effect of microencapsulation was better as Arabin gum and β-cyclodextrin were used as the wall materials and the ratio of the wall materials to the core material was 0.1 g/g. The best conditions of spray-drying were as follows: 25% of solid, the inlet-air temperature 180℃ and the feed-speed of mixture 35 mL/min. The microencapsulated efficiency of the product reached more than 90%.