Experimental study on the approprite breeding density for the production of prawn in closed-recirculating system
Graphical Abstract
A high density closed-recirculating prawn breeding system was constructed and evaluated during an 86-day growing period in which Litopenaeus vannamei were raised from fingerling to market size. The average bogy weight increased from (0.3±0.04)g to (10.40±2.04)g. The average yield was 5.85 kg/m3 and (5~10) times higher than that by pond culture. The food conversion ratio(FCR) was 1.76. The survial rate was 67%. During the experiment, the water quality in the recirculating system was stable. There were little daily variations of main water parameters. The average water temperature was(28.39±1.26)℃. The pH value was stable on 7.9±0.14. The dissolved oxygen was (7.27±1.36)mg/L. The ammonia-N and COD were (0.356±0.180)mg/L, (6.57±0.39)mg/L, respectively. The results demonstrated that the recirculating system could be used for L.vannmei culture and the approprite breeding density for the production of prawn was 1029 ind/m3.