Experimental study on mechanical properties of lotus seed
Graphical Abstract
To research lotus seed decladding mechanism and provide technical data for designing an ideal sheller, its mechanical properties were tested. some compressive experiments were conducted to determine its mechanical properties under various conditions. The effects of loading velocity and grade on compressive crushing load (CCL) were analyzed and the differences of CCL at various loading positions and points were measured. Experimental results show that CCL is influenced by grade. The equation of the stress-strain curve was well fitted, which gave a correlation coefficient of 0.955. With the inerease of loading velocity, the curve slope augments and the deformation lessens. With respect to rupture limit and CCL, there is no notable relationship due to the tissue of lotus seed. CCL decreases gradually from lotus seed ‘equator’ to its ‘poles’. The stress-strain curves and CCL are very anomalous. However, at the points around the same position, the properties are homogeneous. The results provide a theoretical basis for the development of the technology for lotus seed processing.