Review of the regional evapotranspiration estimation using remote sensing
Graphical Abstract
An extensive and intensive review of the use of the remote sensing to estimate the regional evapotranspiration method. In general, there are two classes of models: residual method and the remote sensing integrating with P-M equation method. The three models of the residual method, that is, the single layer model, the two-source model and the multi-layer model were recommended. The basic principle, the applied conditions and scopes, and distinctive advantages and disadvantages of each type of model were discussed. And some methods for solving some problems were presented. This will be helpful for researchers to comprehensively understand each type of model and determine the sound method to estimate regional evapotranspiration. A conclusion can be drawn from this paper that the theory of models of the regional evapotranspiration estimation using the remote sensing has become mature. In the future, further study should be conducted for improvenment of models in the application.