Growth and development properties of cucumber under modern greenhouse cultivation
Graphical Abstract
The growth and development (including the photosynthesis of the leaf, the development of different organs, the accumulation and distribution of the dry matter, and the yield production) of cucumber under modern greenhouse were studied. It was found that, allocated with modern environment control facilities. The greenhouse can provide the best circumstances for the growth and development of the crop. The photosynthesis rate of the leaf increased with the increase of radiation until it reached 1500 μmol·m-2·s-1. The photosynthesis rate of the leaf increased with the development of the single leaf and decreased with the aging of the leaf. Under modern greenhouse cultivation, the development of the cucumber organs is very fast, the average growth rate of the stem reached 8 cm/d, to grow to a full leaf only need 10 days, from flowering to harvest need 12 days. The dry matter accumulation of the cucumber assumes a S curve. In the distribution of the dry matter, the proportion of the root is less than 5%, the proportion of the stem maintained 10%~15%, the proportion of the leaves reached 70%~80% in the vegetative growth stage, and it decreased with the growth of the fruits to 20% at the end, after enter the productive stage, the proportion of the fruits increased gradually and it reached approximately 70% in the end. The yield of the cucumber under greenhouse cultivation is rather stable. The total yield of 8 harvest week reached 12 kg/m2.