Application of bubbler irrigation to spring maize and winter wheat planted in furrow with film mulching on ridge
Graphical Abstract
The main problems of the bubbler irrigation applied in field crops are small water discharge, the big transection area of furrow and border. After the bubbler irrigation of crops planted in furrow with film mulching on ridge being assembled, the moving ability of water flow was increased, the number of flow regulators was reduced, irrigation quality was improved, the uniformity of soil moisture was raised, which provided the possibility of the bubbler irrigation applied in field crops. Through adopting the cultivation way of crops planted in furrow with film mulching on ridge combining with bubbler irrigation, the utilization efficiency of rainfall was increased, the quantity of irrigation water, irrigation frequency and soil evaporation were reduced, moreover water consumption in field and irrigation norm were saved by 28.3% and 28%~47% respectively compared with the border irrigation. In addition, crop yield was increased greatly.