Calculation of land consolidation potential fir rural habitat areas under natural limit condition in Tianjin city
Graphical Abstract
Based on the land suitability evaluation of rural habitat areas, the land consolidation potential under natural limit in Tianjin city was evoluated. The calculating result shows that natural limit modificatory coefficients of the counties in Tianjin are from 0.393 to 0.954. The increasing cultivated coefficients of land consolidation of rural habitat areas are from 4.83% to 51.69% in 2010, and 10.95%~53.28% in 2020. The total cultivated land can be increased by 25996.17 hm2 through land consolidation of rural habitat areas in 2010, and 27677.99 hm2 in 2020. The development of society, economy and urbanization will lead to the decrease of agricultural population. And the potential will increase. In spatial situation, the potential is greater in north and southeast of Tianjin than that in the east and midwest of it.