Test on vibration characteristics of cucumber picked by harvesting manipulator
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the vibration characteristics of cucumber to be picked and reduce the vibration injury of cucumber caused by harvesting manipulator, the North China bur cucumber breed planted universally in China selected, to conduct the bending vibration test for simulating the gesture that harvesting manipulator grasps cucumber. The trial data of the resonance frequencies and vibrating deformations of cucumbers different from shape and mass were obtained. The correlations of the trial parameters were analyzed and the corresponding relationship curves of cucumber received power and its deformations were regressed. The result shows that, stimulating the flexible manipulator holding cucumber at the range of 1~1000 Hz frequency, two resonance frequencies can be tested, and they are remarkably correlatd. Cucumber length has remarkably negative correlation with two syntonic frequencies; cucumber peduncle length has remarkably negative correlation with the first syntonic frequency; but the fruit weight has remarkably negative correlation with its second syntonic frequency. The bending vibration deformation of cucumber appears obvious non-linear characteristics.