Analysis of the development status and trends of biomass energy industry in China
Graphical Abstract
Development trends of biomass energy in the future were analyzed on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of biomass energy resources, industry development and policy environment in China. Biomass resources are rich in China. Biomass energy industry begans to take shape: biogas industry was basically formed, fuel ethanol throughput reached 1.02 million tons per year, the technology that fuel ethanol was produced by use of non-food crops such as sweet sorghum stalks was developed and demonstration project of direct furl-fired generation with straw began to connect to power grid. Macro-policy environment to promote the development of biomass energy industry gradually formed. Therefore, the conclusions were concluded that development emphasis of biomass energy industry in the future in China would focus on biogas and biogas power generation, liquid fuels, biomass solid pellet fuel and biomass power generation; policies for the development of biomass energy industry would be further improved; the technology level would be further improved. There will be more large-scale enterprises to participate in this industry; it is sure that biomass energy industry will become a new growth point of Chinese national economy.