Salinity contents and distribution of dry animal manures on intensified-farms in Jiangsu Province
Graphical Abstract
There is high salinity in dry animal manures and application of the animal manures on cropland would pose soil salinisation risk. In this study, 180 animal manure samples were collected from 150 farms in Jiangsu Province and analyzed to determine and compare their salinity in different animal species and different regions. Manure salinity ranged from 1.8 g/kg dw(dry weight) to 24.2 g/kg dw with a mean of 9.7 g/kg dw. The salinity of chicken manure(a mean of 14.8 g/kg dw) was statistically higher than that of pig manure(a mean of 8.1 g/kg dw) and the salinity of pig manure was statistically higher than that of dairy cattle manure (a mean of 6.0 g/kg dw). The salinity of layer chicken manure(a mean of 16.7 g/kg dw) was statistically higher than that of broiler chicken manure(a mean of 12.0 g/kg dw). There was an obvious tendency on different samples that salinity in pig and chicken manures increased with the increase of the background values of environmental salinity. So soil salinisation risk should be paid more attention on application of high salinity manures and application of animal manure in regions of high environmental salinity background values.