Production of acetone and butanol by fermentation of sweet sorghum stalk juice
Graphical Abstract
Sweet sorghum stalk juice was used as raw material for producing acetone and butanol by fermentation. Bacillus acetobutylicum Bd3 was selected from five different acetone-butanol producing strains, as experimental bacterium which produced more butanol than the four others. And the conditions of acetone-butanol fermentation by Bd3 were optimized: sweet sorghum stalk juice10oBrix, corn-steep 5 g/L, inoculation 6%(V/V), (NH4)2SO4 5 g/L, KH2PO4 0.4 g/L, CaCO3 6 g/L, temperture 32℃, pH6.8, the output of butanol achieved 10.29 g/L.