Land use changes and their ecological effects in urban-rural ecotone
Graphical Abstract
According to land use data of Daiyue District, Tai’an in 1990 and 2003, the effects of land use changes to ecosystem service values in urban-rural ecotone were studied by the ecosystem service value coefficient method which Costanza put forword based on GIS and field survey comprehensively. The results indicated that the areas of construction land, orchard land and water land increased while those of forest land, cultivated land and unused land decreased from 1990 to 2003. The ecosystem service values changed with the changes of the different land use types. The ecosystem service function values dropped slightly in atmosphere regulation function, climate regulation function, waste treatment function, soil formation function and food production function, while increased in the entertainment function, erosion control and raw materials. The rapid development of the city affected the ecosystem environment in urban-rural ecotone to a certain degree.