Design of seeder under membrane and indoor capability test of discharging seed equipment
Graphical Abstract
The traditional filming planter perforates on plastic film, which easily forms harden surface soil layer, it is not good for the growth of crops which have weak break ground ability. Aim at solving this question, the design requirements of the seeder under membrane were analyzed, and the primary structures of the planter were analyzed and a series of structural parameters of the key components were given. Seeder under membrane was designed by parametric modeling software Pro_E. Reference to the relevant national standard, the single factor experiments of the machine onward speed and the number of taking seed device were performed for the corn. Experimental results indicated that when the planter box rotate speed was higher than 72 r/min, the cavity void rate obviously increased. In accordance with the relevant parameters, the optimal planter box rotate speed was 57 r/min. For sowing large plant spacing crops, the speed of operation could be quickened, and for sowing small plant spacing crops, the speed of operation should be slowed down.