Land-cover classification for Henan Province with time-series MODIS EVI data
Graphical Abstract
The significance to agriculture, forestry production and environment monitoring is obvious that extraction of land cover information based on remote sensing data. So in this study, focusing on Henan Province, making use of MODIS 16-days composite EVI data at 2005, combining with crop phenology and other reference land cover data, the land-cover classification for Henan Province was performed. The raw EVI data was processed with cloud removing and smoothing, then the support vector machine (SVM) method was adopted for the classification. Refer to the classification result, compared with the statistics of crops acreage of Henan Province in 2005, the area accuracy of classification result was as following: for large-area planted crops, wheat got 81.47%, corn 94.87%, rice 82.43%; while for the economic crops, rape was 39.81%, soybean 93.65%, cotton 95.21%, peanut 74.27%. On the other hand, combining the classified land cover type into 5 types, farmland, woodland, grassland, water body, urban and built-up. The results were further compared with 1:100 000 land cover map which was produced by using the Landsat ETM+ and TM data in 2000. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient were 78.07% and 0.66, respectively. It turns out that the feasibility of MODIS time-series VI data and classification strategies adopted to extract crops information.