Benefits assessment of land consolidation projects based on lattice order theory
Graphical Abstract
This paper was aimed to solve the connectivity absence of evaluation objects attribution. Lattice-order theory was employed to develop a framework to assess economic, social and ecological environment benefits of land consolidation projects. In the proposed model, lattice order structure was applied to reflect the preference level and Hausdorff measure was used to calculate the generalized distance from evaluation objects to their virtual boundary. The assessment result is one kind linear extension of lattice order structure under the effect of decision-maker preference relation. A case study of several typical land consolidation projects in Hubei Province was carried out to evaluate the selected attribute index, which were cropland area increased per 104 RMB, invest per area, invest per increased cropland area, labor productivity increasing, food production capacity increasing, annual net income increasing per capita, green vegetation area increasing, and forest protection area. Moreover, the assessment result was verified by attributes reduction approach, which demonstrated the availability of the advised model.