Effects of heat-shock treatments on storage of fresh-cut cucumbers
Graphical Abstract
In order to explore the effective method to extend shelf-life of fresh-cut cucumbers and improve its quality and safety, effects on storage quality and microorganism of heat-shock treatment on fresh-cut cucumbers during storage were studied. The results showed that the reduction of water content, soluble solids concentrations, firmness and vitamin C content were defered by heat-shock treatment, and high quality was maintained throughout storage. The 48–49℃, 10 min heat-shock treatment showed the best effects, and storage time was up to 9 days. During storage of fresh-cut cucumbers at 5℃, populations of coliforms, molds and yeasts increased by days while staphylococcus aureus was not detected. After heat-shock treatment, populations of coliforms, molds and yeasts were reduced effectively and the growth of them was clearly inhibited. Preliminary studies showed that microbial resistance of fresh-cut cucumbers was induced by heat-shock treatment, and the growth of microorganism was also inhibited by heat-shock treatment at the later period of storage.