Degradation property of degradable film and its effect on soil temperature and moisture and maize growth
Graphical Abstract
Aiming at decreasing agricultural pollution caused by plastic film, degradation of two photo and bio-degradable films and their effects on soil temperature, moisture, and maize growth were studied with results compared to the plastic film and open field. Results indicated that degradable film of 0.005 mm had higher degradable degree and rate than the degradable film of 0.008 mm, with the fifth and fourth degradable degree gotten at 90 d and weight decreasing rate of 55.48 % and 39.99 % respectively. Effects of two degradable films on soil temperature, moisture and maize growth were same as those of plastic film, with higher soil moisture in 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm profile and higher soil temperature both surface and 10 cm below than open field. Seedling rate, growth progress, plant height, leaf area and dry weight were all higher for film covering, and effects of degradable film of 0.008 mm was better than those of 0.005 mm. Photo and bio-degradable film as substitute for plastic film could be applied to agricultural production