Visual position of picking manipulator for disturbed litchi
Graphical Abstract
In order to solve the visual accurate positioning problem for litchi in disturbed state in the natural environment, the litchi disturbance factors in manipulator picking process were analyzed, and a simulation experiment platform of litchi vibration was designed and manufactured, which can simulate the vibration environment in the process of being picked based on changing vibration conditions including direction, vibration frequency, amplitude. The collection method of turbulent litchi image in the binocular stereo vision system was put forward using vibration platform motion parameters. Fuzzy C-means clustering method (FCM) was used to the pretreatment litchi image to segment litchi fruit and fruit stems in the HSI color space, and then the Hough transform algorithm was used to linear fitting determine the effective fruit picking area and picking point. Average values for picking point coordinates of multiple frame images were taken and then the space coordinate of picking point was determined using 3D reconstruction. The turbulent litchi visual position experimental results showed that the space position depth data error was less than 6 cm, and the litchi picking manipulator can realize effective picking. The study provides guidance for manipulator practical operation.