    Development and technology requirement of China rural water conservancy
    2010, 26(3): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of initial soil water content on crude oil infiltration into soils
    2010, 26(3): 9-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydraulic characteristics of sheet flow with slope runoff regulation
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 14-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Deposition law of sand in labyrinth-channel of emitter
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 20-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Field trial for characteristics of soil water and salt distribution in drip fertigation of kalium-using fertilizers
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 25-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of planting hole control body on water movement of saline soil
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 32-37.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of stem diameter maximum daily shrinkage for peach under full irrigation
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 38-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of mulch-drip irrigation on soil enzyme activities of saline-sodic soil with shallow water table
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 44-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between soil salt dynamics and factors of water balance in the typical coastal area of Northern Jiangsu Province
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 52-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of irrigation and urea types on water use efficiency of maize
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 58-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Green-Ampt model of different infiltration heads
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 64-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Physiological characteristics of leaf growth and yield of cucumber under different watering and fertilizer coupling treatments in greenhouse
    , , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 69-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of micro-catchment rainwater harvesting on water and nutrient use efficiency in farmland under different simulated rainfall conditions
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 75-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of irrigation with reclaimed water on quality and yield of winter wheat and summer corn
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 82-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Slope erosion process tracing in simulated raining with rare earth elements
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 87-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of spatial distribution of soil erosion and sediment yield for a small watershed of the Loess Plateau by coupling MIKE-SHE with MUSLE
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 92-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Depletion and restoration of soil water in different cultivating systems in Gully Region of Loess Plateau
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 99-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation on soil water validity using optimum partitioning clustering method
    , , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 106-111.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and experiment of fruit and vegetable grasping system based on grey prediction control
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 112-117.
    Abstract PDF
    Flow field analysis and performance prediction of three-dimensional turbulent flow in francis turbine
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 118-124.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of measuring grain-flow of combine harvester based on weighing
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 125-129.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of dynamic load of air suspension system
    2010, 26(3): 130-134.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of ABS hydraulic system and optimization of solenoid valve
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 135-139.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of configuration parameters of sand sampler on sand collection efficiency
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 140-145.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of tractor drivers’ neck fatigue by surface electromyogram
    2010, 26(3): 146-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between lodging and mechanical characteristics of winter wheat stem under different yield levels
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 151-155.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and implementation of remote sensing image-based crop growth monitoring system
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 156-162.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and implementation of remote sensing system for monitoring crop plant area
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 163-170.
    Abstract PDF
    Classification method of grassland types using satellite images in northwest agro-pastoral zone of China
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 171-177.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of a visible-infrared photoelectric instrument for measuring crop nitrogen
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 178-182.
    Abstract PDF
    Red edge characteristics and monitoring SPAD and LAI for rice with high temperature stress
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 183-190.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of hyperspectral singularity of rice under Zn pollution stress
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 191-197.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of wireless intelligent control terminal of greenhouse based on ZigBee
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 198-202.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of system for monitoring dairy cattle’s behavioral features based on wireless sensor networks
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 203-208.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of web-based Chinese tobacco germplasm resources information system
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 209-215.
    Abstract PDF
    Measurement of pest-damaged area of leaf based on auto-matching of representative leaf
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 216-221.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of embryo based on independent components for kernel RGB images in maize
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 222-226.
    Abstract PDF
    Establishment of information cooperative service system of dairy industry based on process ontology
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 227-232.
    Abstract PDF
    Applicability evaluation of CERES-Wheat model and yield prediction of winter wheat
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 233-237.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid recognition method of nectar plant based on visible-near infrared spectroscopy
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 238-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Fingerprint identification method of Pu’er raw tea based on high performance liquid chromatography profiles
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 243-248.
    Abstract PDF
    Energy consumption and economic analysis of ground source heat pump used in greenhouse in Beijing
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 249-254.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of anti-hail net on the habitat and growth of apple
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 255-261.
    Abstract PDF
    Shortcut nitrification characteristics for swine wastewater treatment at normal temperature
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 262-266.
    Abstract PDF
    Capacity allocation of rural hybrid generating system based on stochastic chance constrained programming
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 267-271.
    Abstract PDF
    Lubrication characteristics of mixed fuel between cottonseed oil biodiesel and diesel
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 272-276.
    Abstract PDF
    Flow properties of biodiesel at low temperature and its improvement
    , ,
    2010, 26(3): 277-280.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation of biogas production and effect of biogas construction on energy economy
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 281-288.
    Abstract PDF
    Liquefaction of woody biomass by flow through hot-compressed water
    2010, 26(3): 289-293.
    Abstract PDF
    Factors influencing rural household energy consumption
    2010, 26(3): 294-297.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the standards for biodiesel property and suggestion on establishing and improving its standard system
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 298-303.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation method of success degree of land consolidation
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 304-308.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of neighborhood distance on simulation accuracy of cellular automata model in land use
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 309-315.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of land eco-security based on matter element analysis
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 316-322.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial distribution of land consolidation projects and correlation between them and economic development in Chongqing City
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 323-331.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation of oat protein with hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane and cleaning method
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 332-340.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of gas-exhausting type and gas-charging pressure on gas replacement properties for modified atmosphere packaging with trays
    2010, 26(3): 341-345.
    Abstract PDF
    Quality evaluation and parameter selection of maize by hot-air and vacuum drying
    2010, 26(3): 346-352.
    Abstract PDF
    Thermal degradation dynamic model of vitamin C in cloudy strawberry juice during storage
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 353-357.
    Abstract PDF
    Disinfection effect of neutral electrolyzed water for shell egg washing
    , , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 358-362.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of ascorbic acid and glutathione treatments on litchi fruits during post harvest storage
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 363-368.
    Abstract PDF
    Models of moisture sorption isotherms for pelleted finishing broiler feed
    , , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 369-373.
    Abstract PDF
    Early warning index system of regional integrated food security and risk
    , , ,
    2010, 26(3): 374-379.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology simulation of multistage adverse current extraction by two-liquid-phase system for flaxseed
    2010, 26(3): 380-384.
    Abstract PDF