    Relationship between agricultural energy consumption and economic growth based on panel data model in China
    Hu Lili, Niu Shuwen, Ma Li, Zhang Xin, Ding Yongxia
    2011, 27(6): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation on performance of evapotranspiration temporal upscaling methods based on eddy covariance measurements
    Liu Guoshui, Liu Yu, Xu Di
    2011, 27(6): 7-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Irrigation canal running status analysis and leakage detection method based on unsteady flow simulation
    Li Kangbin, Shen Bing, Li Zhilu, Sun Nan
    2011, 27(6): 13-18.
    Characteristics of inferior variation of water environment and regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir in Jinghui Canal Irrigation District of China
    Liu Yan, Zhu Hongyan
    2011, 27(6): 19-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of degradable film on soil temperature, moisture and growth of maize
    Shen Lixia, Wang Pu, Zhang Lili
    2011, 27(6): 25-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of irrigation threshold on growth and physiological characteristics of cucumber plug seedlings
    Zhao Qingsong, Li Pingping, Wang Jizhang, Gao Bei
    2011, 27(6): 31-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of soil and water loss of different slope land uses in small watershed on the Loess Plateau
    Jiang Na, Shao Ming’an
    2011, 27(6): 36-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of surface soil erosion of karst valley in different land use types at Nanping in Chongqing
    Wei Xingping, Xie Shiyou, Zhang Zhiwei, Chen Zuxue
    2011, 27(6): 42-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil water regulation effect of interval coverage on Lou soil slope
    Hao Chunhong, Pan Yinghua, He Hua, Chen Xi, Cui Sufang, Wang Fenping
    2011, 27(6): 47-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of drainage process and nitrogen loss in paddy field using DrainMOD
    Gao Xuerui, Dong Bin, Qin Dayong, Sun Ningning, Zhang Zhiyong
    2011, 27(6): 52-58.
    Abstract PDF
    Assessment of phosphorus loss under different tillage methods in Hetao Agricultural Irrigation Areas
    Zhang Xuan, Hao Fanghua, Wang Xiao, Wang Yunhui, Ouyang Wei
    2011, 27(6): 59-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of N application and simulated rainfall pH value on NO3-N leaching loss from canopy of maize
    Wang Limei, Li Shiqing, Shao Ming’an
    2011, 27(6): 66-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Trend and impact factors of evaporation from shallow phreatic groundwater of bare soil on Huaibei Plain in China
    Hao Zhenchun, Chen Xi, Wang Jiahu, Sun Leqiang, Wang Zhenlong
    2011, 27(6): 73-78.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial heterogeneity of mineral compositions in surface soil in Mulun National Nature Reserve karst areas
    Du Hu, Song Tongqing, Peng Wanxia, Wang Kelin, Liu Lu, Lu Shiyang, Zeng Fuping
    2011, 27(6): 79-84.
    Abstract PDF
    Uniform expression of variogram nested model and parameter estimation in spatial prediction of soil properties
    Yang Yong, Li Weidong, He Liyuan
    2011, 27(6): 85-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiments on stripping header for harvesting lodging super rice
    Han Bao, Jiang Yiyuan, Wu Wenfu
    2011, 27(6): 90-94.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of mesh roller-type separator for machine-harvested seed cotton and film remnant
    Kan Za, Guo Wensong, Zhang Ruoyu, Li Chengsong, An Honglei
    2011, 27(6): 95-99.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation on the two-phase flow of air-fuel mixture and low emissions for small gasoline engines
    Liu Shengji, Tian Jing, Wang Jian
    2011, 27(6): 100-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on elytron section microstructure of four species beetles and biomimetic models
    Zhang Fu, Gao Hang, Tong Jin, Zhou Jiang, Ma Yunhai
    2011, 27(6): 105-109.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of light and heating temperature coupling effect onphototactic gain of locusts
    Liu Qihang, Zhou Qiang
    2011, 27(6): 110-116.
    Abstract PDF
    Improved design and experiments of small-size vegetable transplanter
    Wan Lin, Wang Chun, Che Gang
    2011, 27(6): 117-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and experiments of double-tube airflow drier for biomass powder drying
    Jiao Youzhou, Pan Xiaohui, Yang Qunfa, Liu Shengyong, Zhang Quanguo
    2011, 27(6): 123-127.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of automatic control device for ropeway tension adjustment in hilly orchard
    Wen Tao, Hong Tiansheng, Zhu Yuqing, Su Jian, Kong Fanbo, Li Zhen, Zhong Zhixiang
    2011, 27(6): 128-131.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization design and robust analysis of accumulator in hydraulic brake system
    Yu Miao, Shi Boqiang
    2011, 27(6): 132-136.
    Abstract PDF
    Mixture homogeneity in a high-viscous flow mixer
    Yang Mingjin, Li Xiwen, Shi Tielin, Yang Shuzi
    2011, 27(6): 137-142.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on effect of slope angle on equivalent friction coefficient of agricultural V-belt
    Zhu Lin, Wang Jinwu, Zheng Dayu, Wang Xi
    2011, 27(6): 143-147.
    Abstract PDF
    Bayesian method for determination of load sample size in engineering vehicles
    Wang Jixin, Ji Jingfang, Hu Jiyong, Wang Naixiang, Zhang Yingshuang
    2011, 27(6): 148-151.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimal control of gear hift on wet dual-clutch automatic transmission
    Liu Xi, Cheng Xiusheng, Feng Wei
    2011, 27(6): 152-156.
    Abstract PDF
    Self-adjustable fuzzy PID control for solution pressure of pipeline spray system in orchard
    Song Shuran, Ruan Yaocan, Hong Tiansheng, Dai Qiufang, Zhang Cheng
    2011, 27(6): 157-161.
    Abstract PDF
    Present status and prospects of mechanical weeding equipment and technology in paddy field
    Ma Xu, Qi Long, Liang Bai, Tan Zuting, Zuo Yanjun
    2011, 27(6): 162-168.
    Abstract PDF
    Integrated provincial crop monitoring system using remote sensing
    Meng Jihua, Wu Bingfang, Li Qiangzi, Niu Liming, Zhang Feifei, Du Xin
    2011, 27(6): 169-175.
    Abstract PDF
    Cotton yield estimation based on hyperspectral remote sensing in arid region of China
    Zhuang Li, Wang Jin, Bai Li, Jiang Guiying, Sun Shujiang, Yang Peng, Wang Shaoming
    2011, 27(6): 176-181.
    Abstract PDF
    Decomposition of mixed pixel for cotton identification using remote sensing data
    Liu Jiaodi, Liu Jiaodi, Liu Xue, Li Hua
    2011, 27(6): 182-186.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil moisture information extraction based on integration of active and passive remote sensing data
    Yu Fan, Zhao Yingshi
    2011, 27(6): 187-192.
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of Songhua River flood economic losses in Harbin based on GIS and RS
    Zhang Hui, Lei Guoping, Song Ge, Xu Xiaojia, Tian Nan
    2011, 27(6): 193-197.
    Abstract PDF
    Farmland environmental quality evaluation system for edible agricultural products based on WebGIS
    Li Wenfeng, Li Chao, Yang Linnan, Li Ming, Liu Xiaolin
    2011, 27(6): 198-202.
    Abstract PDF
    Classification of agricultural pests based on compressed sensing theory
    Han Antai, Guo Xiaohua, Liao Zhong, Chen Zhiqiang, Han Jianqiang
    2011, 27(6): 203-207.
    Abstract PDF
    Zigbee-based information collection system for the environment of cold-chain logistics of fruits and vegetables
    Guo Bin, Qian Jianping, Zhang Taihong, Yang Xinting
    2011, 27(6): 208-213.
    Abstract PDF
    Visual simulation of underground modified roots of crops based on point clouds
    Guo Hao, Ge Zhenyang, Ge Yong, Li Ming, Li Peng, Liu Jing, Lin Wenru
    2011, 27(6): 214-218.
    Abstract PDF
    3D-Visual simulation of soil diffusion-limited colloidal aggregation based on particle system
    Zheng hongbo, Wu jianping, Ding Weilong
    2011, 27(6): 219-224.
    Abstract PDF
    Unstructured road detection and obstacle recognition algorithm based on machine vision
    Song Huaibo, He Dongjian, Xin Xiangjun
    2011, 27(6): 225-230.
    Abstract PDF
    Monitoring and controlling system for delivery sow house environment based on configuration software and fuzzy control
    Li Lifeng, Wu Pei, Ma Shuoshi, Lu Shanshan, Xuan Chuanzhong
    2011, 27(6): 231-236.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of distributed parallel scheduling schemes for crop growth model
    Jiang Haiyan, Yin Yan, Peng Chuanyang, Tang Liang, Cao Weixing
    2011, 27(6): 237-243.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial regression analysis on influence factors of maize lodging stress
    Yang Yang, Yang Jianyu, Li Shaoming, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhu Dehai, Liu Zhe, Mi Chunqiao, Xiao Kaineng
    2011, 27(6): 244-249.
    Abstract PDF
    CFD analysis of airflow distribution in greenhouse with pad and fan cooling system
    Wang Rui, Xu Hui, Ma Jian, Li Tianlai, Qu Jia
    2011, 27(6): 250-255.
    Abstract PDF
    Solar water heating model with sun tracking system for increasing biogas production
    Hassanein A A M, Zhang Duo, Qiu Ling
    2011, 27(6): 256-261.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of acidification fermentation and biogas production for co-digestion of Spartina alterniflora and potato
    Li Jihong, Yang Shiguan, Zheng Zheng
    2011, 27(6): 262-268.
    Abstract PDF
    Resource-environmental cost of grain production in the gully areas of Loess Plateau
    Zhang Yinglong, Xie Yongsheng, Wen Man, Jiang Qinglong, Li Xiao
    2011, 27(6): 269-277.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of gas-gas heat exchanger on improving the performance of solar regenerator
    Song Weitang, Yao Longlu, Ding Tao, Huang Zhidong, Li Baoming
    2011, 27(6): 278-282.
    Abstract PDF
    Composting equipment design and technology for rural refuse disposal
    Wen Guolai, Wang Dehan, Li Junfei, Zou Xuan, Sun Yanjun
    2011, 27(6): 283-287.
    Abstract PDF
    Poly-generation process for gasification of dairy manure with fixed beds
    Qin Hengfei, Zhou Jianbin, Wang Junxiang, Zhang Qisheng
    2011, 27(6): 288-293.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of ammoniation pretreatment on anaerobic digestion performance of rice straw
    Ma Shuqing, Yuan Hairong, Zhu Baoning, Liu Yanping, Zou Dexun, Dang Feng, Pang Yunzhi, Li Xiujin
    2011, 27(6): 294-299.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of audio frequency mixing of music and cricket voice on growth of edible mushrooms
    Jiang Shiren, Huang Jun, Han Xinghua, Zeng Xianlin
    2011, 27(6): 300-305.
    Abstract PDF
    Zoning and consolidation strategy for rural residential land in the areas around Bohai gulf in China
    Liu Yu, Liu Yansui, Guo Liying
    2011, 27(6): 306-312.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and implementation of land use change analysis and decision system
    Wan Yuan, Li Lin, Ying Shen, Li Quan
    2011, 27(6): 313-318.
    Abstract PDF
    Early warning of agricultural ecological security based on the emergy analysis in Wu’an city
    Jiang Yong, Fu Meichen, Wang Zeng, Ru Jie, Zhang Zhongya, Zhang Hongjie
    2011, 27(6): 319-323.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of spatial autoregressive models on multi-scale land use
    Chen Xiwei, Dai Erfu
    2011, 27(6): 324-331.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment on optimizing technical parameters of fish shearing machine
    Tan Hequn, Gao Xingxing
    2011, 27(6): 332-336.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing on quality of yellow peaches in pouch
    Zhang Fusheng, Zhao Jun, Chen Fang, Liao Xiaojun, Wang Zhengfu, Wu Jihong, Hu Xiaosong
    2011, 27(6): 337-343.
    Abstract PDF
    Fast extraction of chitosan from shrimp shell by high intensity pulsed electric fields
    He Guidan, Yin Yongguang, Yan Linna, Yu Qingyu
    2011, 27(6): 344-348.
    Abstract PDF
    Model for identifying apple juice authenticity based on binary logistic regression
    Su Guangming, Gao Haiyan, Wang Zhengfu, Liao Xiaojun, Zhang Yan, Zhang Mingwei, Hu Xiaosong, Wu Jihong
    2011, 27(6): 349-356.
    Abstract PDF
    Thin layer drying characteristics and quality evaluation of steam blanched chrysanthemum
    Qin Shan, Wen Xuesen, Shen Tao, Xiang Lan
    2011, 27(6): 357-364.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of main fatty acid composition in fractionated olive oils by FTIR spectroscopy
    Wang Mingyi, Hu Lizhi, Guo Jianying, Yu Dianyu, Jiang Lianzhou
    2011, 27(6): 365-369.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of combined treatment condition of hot air and methyl jasmonate for postharvest loquat fruit preservation
    Duan Yangfeng, Kong Fanyuan, Zhao Jing, Shen Jie, Wu Xin, Jin Peng, Zheng Yonghua
    2011, 27(6): 370-374.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of postharvest sodium silicate treatment on quality and volatile flavor components of apricot fruit during storage
    Zhang Bo, Han Shunyu, Jiang Yumei, Bi Yang, Zhu Xia
    2011, 27(6): 375-381.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different pressing processingses on the quality of sesame oil and cakes
    Liu Yulan, Chen Liuyang, Wang Xuede, Hu Xiaodong
    2011, 27(6): 382-386.
    Abstract PDF
    Reducing energy consumption of carrot slices dehydration by combined vacuum microwave and freeze drying
    Qian Gelan, Zhang Qi, Cui Zhengwei
    2011, 27(6): 387-392.
    Abstract PDF