    Spatial-temporal variation of cultivated land and its effects on grain production capacity of northeast grain main production area
    Xu Shan, Song Ge, Li Dan, Wang Yang
    2012, 28(21): 1-9.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection and control system of seed-layers thickness for vibration-flow precision seeder
    Tan Zuting, Ma Xu, Qi Long, Xie Junfeng
    2012, 28(21): 10-16.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and experiment for driving double coulters anti-blockage device of no-till planter
    Jiang Jinlin, Gong Linong, Wang Dongwei, Wang Gongpu
    2012, 28(21): 17-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis and test of forward film removing mechanism forpolythene film collector
    Li Bin, Wang Jikui, Hu Kai, Jiang Bei
    2012, 28(21): 23-28.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of impeller cutting methods on performance of middle specific speed centrifugal pump
    Yu Xiaoming, Gu Boqin, Shao Chunlei
    2012, 28(21): 29-36.
    Abstract PDF
    Fault diagnosis of diesel engine based on energy and time frequency domain characteristics of vibration signals IMF
    Li Mintong, Yang Qing, Song Meng, Yang Fuzeng
    2012, 28(21): 37-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of low-frequency vibration isolation for cab ride comfort of construction machineries
    Sun Xiaojuan, Zhang Jianrun
    2012, 28(21): 44-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanical properties of litchi stem for harvesting robots
    Chen Yan, Cai Weiliang, Xiang Heping, Zou Xiangjun, Tan Jianhao, Lin Guichao
    2012, 28(21): 53-58.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment on tensile and shearing characteristics ofrind of corn stalk
    Chen Zhengguang, Wang Defu, Li Liqiao, Shan Ruixia
    2012, 28(21): 59-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on soil evaporation of summer maize by field measurement and model simulation
    Zhao Nana, Liu Yu, Cai Jiabing, Yu Fuliang, Li Chuanzhe
    2012, 28(21): 66-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparative study on thermal properties of intact andrepacked soil samples
    Di Jiaying, Liu Xiaona, Ren Tusheng
    2012, 28(21): 74-79.
    Abstract PDF
    Single point infiltration characteristics for different opening ways of irrigator of deep pit irrigation
    Zhang Jianfeng, Yang Xiao, Tie Xining, Wu Shuying, Wang Rui
    2012, 28(21): 80-88.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of reclaimed water irrigation on soil water repellency
    Shang Yanling, Li Yi, Zhu Delan
    2012, 28(21): 89-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of determining locations of branch pipe on slope with paired capillaries in micro-irrigation system
    Zhang Guoxiang
    2012, 28(21): 98-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of slope erosion in quaternary red soil region of northern Jiangxi province under future climate change scenarios
    Ma Liang, Zuo Changqing, Qiu Guoyu
    2012, 28(21): 105-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on annual variation of rainfall erosivity in southwest China using gravity center model
    Liu Bintao, Tao Heping, Song Chunfeng, Guo Bing, Shi Zhan
    2012, 28(21): 113-120.
    Abstract PDF
    Explicit solution for normal depth in parabolic-shape channel
    Zhang Xinyan, Lü Hongxing
    2012, 28(21): 121-125.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of foreign materials on surface of ginned cotton by hyper-spectral imaging
    Guo Junxian, Ying Yibin, Li Junwei, Rao Xiuqin, Kang Yinxia, Shi Zhai
    2012, 28(21): 126-134.
    Abstract PDF
    Vision-based detection of tomato main stem in greenhouse with red rope
    Wang Xinzhong, Han Xu, Mao Hanping
    2012, 28(21): 135-141.
    Abstract PDF
    Segmentation of cucumber disease leaf image based on MDMP-LSM
    Jiang Haiyang, Zhang Jian, Yuan Yuan, He Miantao, Zheng Shouguo
    2012, 28(21): 142-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Detecting early embryo development of chicken hatching eggs by hyperspectral transmittance imaging
    Zhang Wei, Pan Leiqing, Tu Kang
    2012, 28(21): 149-155.
    Abstract PDF
    Localization method of wireless sensor network for greenhouse based on genetic BP algorithm
    Wang Jun, Liu Gang
    2012, 28(21): 156-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Autonomous navigation control system of agricultural mini-unmaned aerial vehicles based on DSP
    Chen Tianhua, Lu Sihan
    2012, 28(21): 164-169.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of three-segment SVPWM algorithm for multilevel inverter
    Zheng Hong, Kuang Wenming, Zhao Wei, Sun Yukun
    2012, 28(21): 170-176.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of hail effects on crop yield losses for corn-belt states in USA
    Wang Erda, Bertis B. Little, Jimmy R. Williams, Yu Yang
    2012, 28(21): 177-185.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study and numerical simulation on flow field of venturi scrubber purifying biomass gas
    Chang Jiafu, Dong Yuping, Liu Qinglei, Guo Feiqiang, Zhang Tonghui, Zhang Wenkang
    2012, 28(21): 186-192.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol as lignin model compound for alkanes preparation with palladium-carbon catalysts
    Tan Xuesong, Zhuang Xinshu, Lü Shuangliang, Qi Wei, Yu Qiang, Wang Qiong, Yuan Zhenhong
    2012, 28(21): 193-199.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of influence factors on co-combustion characteristics of bituminous coal with herbal biomass
    Liu Xiang, Chen Meiqian, Yu Dong, Lu Taijin
    2012, 28(21): 200-207.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution of nitrogen in liquid and solid fraction of pig and dairy manure in anaerobic digestion reactor
    Jin Hongmei, Fu Guangqing, Chang Zhizhou, Ye Xiaomei, Chen Guangyin, Du Jing
    2012, 28(21): 208-214.
    Abstract PDF
    Geometry modeling reconstruction of agricultural products by magnetic resonance imaging
    Zhang Jianfeng, He Yong, Wang Nanfei, Wu Di, Gong Xiangyang
    2012, 28(21): 215-220.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of potato external defects based onhyperspectral imaging technology
    Zhou Zhu, Li Xiaoyu, Tao Hailong, Gao Hailong
    2012, 28(21): 221-228.
    Abstract PDF
    On-line monitoring of moisture ratio for apple during vacuum freeze-drying based on image texture analysis
    Li Xiaobin, Guo Yuming, Fu Lihong
    2012, 28(21): 229-235.
    Abstract PDF
    Mass-transfer modeling and simulation of tilapia fillet drying by supercritical carbon dioxide
    Liu Shucheng, Zhang Changsong, Zhang Liang, Ji Hongwu, Zhang Chaohua, Hong Pengzhi, Gao Jialong
    2012, 28(21): 236-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Equipment and application for ozone degradation of aflatoxins in contaminated peanuts
    Shan Changpo, Diao Enjie, Wang Yuxiao, Dong Haizhou
    2012, 28(21): 243-247.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of spray drying technology inprocessing chicken plasma protein
    Li Weifeng, Wang Peng, Xu Xinglian, Zhou Guanghong
    2012, 28(21): 248-255.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization on drum drying processing technology of sweet corn powder
    Li Chunmei, Chi Yujie, Wang Dan, Zhang Wei, Fang Jingquan
    2012, 28(21): 256-264.
    Abstract PDF
    Combined drying technology of black edamame using microwave and explosion puffing
    Li Dajing, Liu Xia, Jiang Ning, Liu Chunquan
    2012, 28(21): 265-271.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of processing nutrient powder from blanching liquid of stropharia rugoso-annulata with spray drying technology
    Chen Junchen, Zhou Xuehua, Lai Pufu, Li Yibin, Shen Hengsheng
    2012, 28(21): 272-279.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimizing of ultrasonic wave-assisted extraction process of L-carnitine from bovine liver
    Sun Na, Yu Qunli, Cao Hui
    2012, 28(21): 280-286.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of resin based technology for purification of polysaccharides from Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Huizao
    Wang Na, Fan Huiping, Sun Xiaorui, Pan Zhili, Shi Juling, Ai Zhilu
    2012, 28(21): 287-292.
    Abstract PDF