    Experiments and analysis on seeding performance of seed feeding device of rapeseed centralized metering device under lateral tilt
    Wang Lei, Liao Yitao, Zhang Qingsong, Liu Hai, Wang Baoshan, Liao Qingxi
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    Design and test of the belt-type residual film rubbing and baling machine
    Wang Zheng, Wang Jikui, Tang Yongfei, Luo Yongjun
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    Effects of lateral deep application and dosage of slow-release fertilizer on yield and fertilizer utilization efficiency of rape (Brassica napus L.)
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    Influence of different boll shell physical parameters on mechanical properties of machine-harvested cottons
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    Numerical simulation of effects of solid particles on oil film characteristics of port pair of high-pressure vane pump
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    Effects of ultrasonic wave on flow and boiling heat transfer of nano-refrigerant in microchannels
    Luo Xiaoping, Yu Jia, Wang Wen
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    Determining the retrieving parameters of corn canopy LAI and chlorophyll content computed using UAV image
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    Effects of water and fertilizer coupling on the yield and quality of processing tomato under aerated drip irrigation
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    Research and optimization of hydraulic characteristics of large-scale variable sprinkler irrigation machine based on PWM technology
    Mo Jinqiu, Huang Xiaolin, Li Wentao, Li Yanming
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    Effects of different cropping systems on food crop nitrogen utilization and soil nitrogen pool in North China Plain
    Ji Yanzhi, Xu Mingjie, Ju Xiaotang, Dong Xianxian, Zhang Lijuan
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    Drought characteristics and dominant meteorological factors driving drought in spring maize growing season in northeast China
    Li Chongrui, You Songcai, Wu Yongfeng
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    Soil anti-erodibility at different growth stages of maize in hilly yellow soil areas
    Ma Rui, Zheng Zicheng, Wang Shuang, Yang Hailong, Li Tingxuan, Yang Shuai
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    Characteristics of soil aggregates and organic carbon in eroded gully in red soil region of Southern China
    Zhang Xiang, Li Xiao, Lin Jie, Qian Zhou, Zeng Guangruo, Cui Linlin
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    Digital mapping of soil salinization in arid area wetland based on variable optimized selection and machine learning
    Ma Guolin, Ding Jianli, Han Lijing, Zhang Zipeng
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    Spatial distribution of soil salinity under different surface land cover types and micro-topography in the Yellow River Delta
    Wang Ruiyan, Kong Shenbin, Xu Lu, Li Yuhuan, Chen Weihan, Zhao Enlai
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    Effects of phosphorus application and inoculation arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on dry matter yield and phosphorus use efficiency of alfalfa
    Liu Junying, Hui Jinfeng, Sun Mengyao, Liu Xuanshuai, Lu Weihua, Ma Chunhui, Zhang Qianbing
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    Simulation of water resource carrying capacity based on LMDI-SD model in green development irrigation areas
    Kang Yan, Yan Yating, Yang Bin
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    Hydration-time-dependent rheological behaviors of Newtonian cement grouts with different water cement ratios
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    Recognition of crawling behavior of dairy cows using Wi-Fi wireless sensing technology
    Hao Yusheng, Lin Qiang, Wang Weilan, Guo Min, Lu Yulan
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    Design of intelligent pig counting system based on improved instance segmentation algorithm
    Hu Yunge, Cang Yan, Qiao Yulong
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    Effects of biochar at different pyrolysis temperatures on reduction and control of nitrogen loss in sheep manure composting process
    Wang Haihou, Han Qilong, Liu Zekai, Jin Meijuan, Shi Linlin, Shen Mingxing, Gu Haidong
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    Effects of synergistic treatment of microorganism and enzyme improving composting quailty of maize stovers
    Li Wen, Li Tingfeng, Guo Junyu, Gu Xin
    2020, 36(19): 192-199. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.19.022
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    Analysis of microbial community in the anaerobic/semi-aerobic spatiotemporal bioreactor for rural wastes
    Guo Nanfei, Han Zhiyong, Shi Rui, Li Hao, Liu Jie
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    Isolation, identification and functional gene analysis of chlorothalonil degrading bacteria
    Ren Xiaojie, He Zhuangzhuang, Shan Xin, Zhao Yubin, Song Yuanda, Zhao Xinhe
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    Effect of myriophyllum elatinoides wetland on nitrogen removal from swine wastewater under different pollution loads
    Zhu Huixiang, Zhang Shunan, Peng Yingxiang, Liu Feng, Xiao Runlin
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    Dissolved oxygen prediction for water quality of aquaculture using improved ELM network
    Shi Pei, Kuang Liang, Yuan Yongming, Zhang Hongyang, Li Guanghui
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    Life cycle assessment of biodiesel from soybean oil and waste oil
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    Rural multifunctional evolution and rural settlements transformation
    Zhou Guohua, Dai Liuyan, He Yanhua, Tan Xuelan, He Lan
    2020, 36(19): 242-251. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.19.028
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    Compensation of provincial cultivated land protection in China from the dual perspectives of food security and ecological security
    Liu Lihua, Zhang Bingxin, Liu Xianghua
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    Identification of production-living-ecological space at Keshan County level in main grain producing areas in northern Songnen Plain, China
    Sui Hongjun, Song Ge, Zhang Hongmei
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    Dynamic evolution analysis of basic farmland protection research in China from 1988 to 2017
    Qian Fengkui, Zhou Yang, Gu Hanlong
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    Effects of extrusion stabilization on protein structure and functional properties of rice bran components
    Duan Qingsong, Duan Yumin, Xiao Zhigang, Wang Kexin, Li Hang, Wang Na, Wang Yifan, Gao Yuzhe
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    Changes in the microstructure and properties of the egg-break blade after boronisation and vanadizing
    Wan Qiang, Zhu Fangtao, Liu Xiaofeng, Wei Min, Wang Shucai, Meng Liang, Wang Peng, Dong Wanjing
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    Development of automatic control system for natural drying and heat pump drying of kelp cascade drying
    Zhu Ye, Jiang Tao, Zhang Xianguang, Hong Yang, Xing Jingzhu
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    Effects of different temperature treatments on thermal stability and structure of red kidney bean protein
    Chen Zhenjia, Wang Xiaowen, Jing Xu, Liang Yaping
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    Process optimization of high temperature and short time hot air treatment to promote the callus formation of sweet potatoes
    Liu Bangdi, Lyu Xiaolong, Wang Caixia, Sun Jie, Jiang Weibo
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