    A Study on Cleaning Buildup Soil in Loader Shovel on the Principle of Bionics
    Yin Yongguang, Ren Luquan, Cheng Yuesun, Chen Bingcong
    1990, 6(4): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Thermodynamic Analyses of Behaviour of Soil-Solid Surface Adhesion
    Ren Luquan, Tong Jin, Chen Bingcong, Wu Liankui
    1990, 6(4): 7-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil Adhesion and Abrasive Wear of PTFE-Matrix Composites
    Tong Jin, Lu Xinchun, Chen yongtan, Ren luquan, Chen Bingcong
    1990, 6(4): 13-19.
    Abstract PDF
    The Current Situation and the Future Prospect of Mechanized Seedling Production System of Vegetable Crops
    Chen Diankui
    1990, 6(4): 20-25.
    Abstract PDF
    Status and Trend of Application and Research on Mulch Culture
    Sui Hongjian, Zeng Dechao
    1990, 6(4): 26-34.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion on the Ecological Principles of Stereoscopic Agricultural Construction and Stereoscopic Constructure Design
    Jia Zhikuan
    1990, 6(4): 35-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Studies on the Four-Dimension Governing Water System in Heilonggang Region Hebei Province
    Zhang Li, Zhu Fuxing, Wang Jinzhen
    1990, 6(4): 40-45.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study and Design of Solid Fuels Burner With High Efficiency
    Cui Yuanbo, An Hongping, Hao Fangzhou, Yuan Shenglong
    1990, 6(4): 46-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Theory and Practice of Energy Conservation for Firewood - Brick - Tile Kiln
    Zhang Bailiang, Zhao Tinglin, Xia Zhuzhang
    1990, 6(4): 53-59.
    Abstract PDF
    The Study of Microcomputer Design Method on the Seed Tube of Precision Plant
    Gao Rui
    1990, 6(4): 60-66.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Research on theComposition of Agricultural Engineering Systemand the Index System for EvaluatingIts Development Level
    Tan Deshu, Yang Guocheng, Zhang Zhijian, Li Youhua
    1990, 6(4): 67-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Implementation ofthe Comprehensive Technologies of Paddy Field Mechanization for Increasing Production
    Li Gangliang, Wu Anming
    1990, 6(4): 75-82.
    Abstract PDF
    An Analysis of the Development and Prospect of Paddy Field Tillage Machines in Hunan
    Qiu Panchu, Hu Qianling, Yan Jun
    1990, 6(4): 83-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Approaches to Improving the Overall Performances of Paddy Field Tillage Machines
    Wang Dacheng, Wang Yinde
    1990, 6(4): 91-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Tests of Equipment for Breaking Riceseed Husk and Accelerating Germinations
    Duan Fulin
    1990, 6(4): 98-102.