    Fractal Phenomena in Soil and Wettability Research
    Ren Luquan, Tong Jin, Chen Bingcong
    1993, 9(1): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    The Effects of Unsmoothed Surfaces on Soil Adhesion and Draft of Bulldozing Plates
    A. R. Qaisrani, J. Tong, L. Q. Ren, B. C. Chen
    1993, 9(1): 7-13.
    Abstract PDF
    A Simulation Method for Determination of Water Up-take by Plants and Applications
    Lei Tingwu, Zeng Dechao, Zhen Yaoquan
    1993, 9(1): 14-23.
    Abstract PDF
    A New Approach to Predict Wetting Front
    Wang Qian, Zeng Dechao
    1993, 9(1): 24-29.
    Abstract PDF
    A New Algorithm for Fuzzy Optimum Design of Agricultural Engineering Equipment and Its Application
    Yang Yinsheng, Li Shugen, Wu Liankui
    1993, 9(1): 30-35.
    Abstract PDF
    A Method of Computer Simulation of Direct Solar Radiation within Greenhouses——The third part of serial studies on simulation of light environment of farming under structure
    Sun Zhongfu, Wu Yiming, Cao Yonghua, Li Youxiang
    1993, 9(1): 36-42.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Development of Microwave Power Uses in the Food Processing Industry and Adopt Measures of Development at Home
    Wang Shaolin
    1993, 9(1): 43-49.
    Abstract PDF
    The Present Status of Food Extruder Research
    Sun Yiyuan, Zhang Yan, Shi Shudong
    1993, 9(1): 50-56.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study on the Removing Pulp Machine of Seed Water Melon
    Zhong Yiyan, Yang Ziping, Meng Gang
    1993, 9(1): 57-63.
    Abstract PDF
    An Investigation on Blast Precooling of Mushrooms
    He Da, J. L. Woods, Zhang Quixue
    1993, 9(1): 64-69.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study on the Drying Property of Breaking Drum Dryer for High-moisture Materials
    Han Jie, Li Xiujin
    1993, 9(1): 70-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Moisture Diffusion Model within an Individual Grain Kernel
    Li Yebo, Cao Chongwen
    1993, 9(1): 74-82.
    Abstract PDF
    Studies on Drying Mechanism of Wheat——Theoretical analysis of drying process
    Li Changyou, Junichi Kamide
    1993, 9(1): 83-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Equilibrium Miosture Content for Jujube
    Yang Lingqing, Niu Zhiyou
    1993, 9(1): 92-98.
    Abstract PDF
    A Preliminary Study on the Preparation of Pressurized Straw Briquette
    Wang Min, Guo Kangquan, Zhu Wenrong
    1993, 9(1): 99-104.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study on a Spray-type Surface Aerator
    Zhu Songming
    1993, 9(1): 105-110.
    Abstract PDF
    A Study on Simple Grindings Methods of Sulphate Raw Materials
    Xiong Xianan, Tian Peifen
    1993, 9(1): 111-115.
    Abstract PDF
    A Brief Summary of the Session on Agricultural Engineering Education in '92 - ICAE
    Zhang Wei
    1993, 9(1): 116-118.
    Abstract PDF