    Agricultural influences on evaporation paradox in China
    Han Songjun, Wang Shaoli, Yang Dawen
    2010, 26(10): 1-8.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect and improvement of period division on model of cotton crop response to water
    Wang Yangren, Zhou Qingyun, Sun Xinzhong, Wang Wenlong
    2010, 26(10): 9-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial pattern of soil salinity and soil salinization in area around Bohai Sea
    Zhou Zaiming, Zhang Guanghui, Wang Jinzhe, Yan Mingjiang
    2010, 26(10): 15-20.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil water balance model in root zone of winter wheat based on system dynamics
    Chen Haorui, Huang Jiesheng, Wu Jingwei, Yang Jinzhong
    2010, 26(10): 21-28.
    Abstract PDF
    Impact of slope biological regulated measures on soil water infiltration
    Huang Jun, Wu Pute, Zhao Xining
    2010, 26(10): 29-37.
    Abstract PDF
    State-space simulation of soil surface water content in grassland of northern Loess Plateau
    Jia Xiaoxu, Shao Ming’an, Wei Xiaorong, Li Xuezhang
    2010, 26(10): 38-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic process simulation model for soil erosion of small-scale watershed system
    Gao Peiling, Lei Tingwu
    2010, 26(10): 45-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of nitrogen loss from field ditches with different densities under single rainfall event
    Zhang Zhanyu, Yuan Ziying, Kong Lili, Xia Jihong, Zhu Xiaofeng
    2010, 26(10): 51-55.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiments on nitrogen and phosphorus losses from paddy fields under different scales
    He Jun, Cui Yuanlai, Wang Jianpeng, Shi Weida
    2010, 26(10): 56-62.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of stage water shortage on water consumption and leaf area index of winter wheat
    Wu Zhongdong, Wang Quanjiu
    2010, 26(10): 63-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of super absorbent polymer on growth and yield of cotton under different irrigation conditions in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
    Bai Wenbo, Wang Chunyan, Li Maosong, Bao Shunshu, He Shuang, Cao Silin, Song Jiqing
    2010, 26(10): 69-75.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiments on variation of tomato sap flow under drip irrigation conditions in greenhouse
    Liu Hao, Sun Jingsheng, Duan Aiwang, Liu Zugui, Liang Yuanyuan
    2010, 26(10): 77-82.
    Abstract PDF
    Tomato irrigation index for soil water leakage control in greenhouse
    Fan Fengcui, Zhang Lifeng, Li Zhihong, Shi Yufang, Gao Lihong, Yan Taixiang, Jia Jianming
    2010, 26(10): 83-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrological model of weathered granite watershed based on prototype monitoring and DEM
    Fu Congsheng, Chen Jianyao, Zeng Songqing, Jiang Huabo, Dong Linyao
    2010, 26(10): 90-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of capacitance seed rate sensor of wheat planter
    Zhou Liming, Zhang Xiaochao, Yuan Yanwei
    2010, 26(10): 99-103.
    Abstract PDF
    Surface acoustic wave humidity microsensor based on electrospray polymer film
    Guo Xishan, Lei Sheng, Li Yang, Zhu Songming
    2010, 26(10): 104-107.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiments on performance of vibration and up-draft separator for rape seed shelled
    Guo Guisheng, Lü Xinmin, Guo Kangquan, Feng Tao, Zhang Lijun
    2010, 26(10): 108-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation and analysis of movement of rice seedlings passing through separating chutes
    Ma Ruijun, Wang Kaizhan, Ma Xu, Zhang Yali
    2010, 26(10): 113-118.
    Abstract PDF
    Working mechanism of vibration spacing scarifier for grassland
    Dong Xiangqian, Song Jiannong, Wang Jicheng, Li Yonglei, Wu Guangwei
    2010, 26(10): 119-123.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical simulation of inlet guide vane regulation for mixed-flow pump
    Kong Fanyu, Wang Wenting, Huang Daojian, Huang Jianping, Geng Jizhong
    2010, 26(10): 124-128.
    Abstract PDF
    Robust design of priority valve in load sensing hydraulic steering system
    Hou Youshan, Shi Boqiang, Gu Jie
    2010, 26(10): 129-133.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and experiment of monitoring system for heat pump dryer of enclosed cycles
    Ni Chao, Li Juanling, Ding Weimin, Fan Hailiang, Chen Shanlin
    2010, 26(10): 134-139.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of soft sediment adhered to track on adhesion performance of seabed track vehicle
    Wu Hongyun, Chen Xinming, Liu Shaojun, Gao Yuqing, Chen Bingzheng
    2010, 26(10): 140-145.
    Abstract PDF
    Static steering resisting moment of tire for heavy multi-axle steering vehicle
    Wang Yunchao, Gao Xiuhua, Zhang Xiaojiang
    2010, 26(10): 146-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Multi-factor regression analysis of anti-wind erosion effects of conservation tillage farmland
    Sun Yuechao, Ma Shuoshi, Chen Zhi, Zhao Yonglai, Su Jie
    2010, 26(10): 151-155.
    Abstract PDF
    Monitor of corn root growth in soil based on minirhizotron technique
    Liao Rongwei, Liu Jingmiao, An Shunqing, Niu Junli, Liang Hong, Ren Sanxue, Le Zhangyan, Cao Yujing, Li Wenjing
    2010, 26(10): 156-161.
    Abstract PDF
    Orthogonal global-locally discriminant projection for plant leaf classification
    Zhang Shanwen, Ju Chunfei
    2010, 26(10): 162-166.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of test environments selection for corn lodging resistance
    Liu Zhe, Li Shaoming, Yang Jianyu, Yang Yang, Mi Chunqiao, Wang Hu, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhu Deha
    2010, 26(10): 167-171.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between color features and germination of delinted cottonseed based on RGB color model
    Zhang Ruoyu, Kan Za, Ma Rong, Cao Weibin, Li Jiangbo
    2010, 26(10): 172-177.
    Abstract PDF
    Using shape features of plant leaf to identify the weed from the crop is an important method for weed recognition. In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency, overlapped leaves were separated through morphology operation and threshold segmentation ba
    Li Xianfeng, Zhu Weixing, Ji Bin, Liu Bo, Ma Changhua
    2010, 26(10): 178-182.
    Abstract PDF
    Many researches have been conducted on the instrument of precision spraying while the quick test of leaf area index (LAI) with the key optical model for the test prototype on single fruit tree could not meet the requirement of the instrument. According to
    Wu Weibin, Hong Tiansheng, Yue Xuejun, Li Zhen, Zhu Yuqing
    2010, 26(10): 183-187.
    Abstract PDF
    The objective of this paper was to develop a morphological parameter-based root geometric model of rice and realize the dynamic three-dimensional visualization of rice roots under different growth conditions. The three-dimensional display model of single
    Xu Qijun, Tang Liang, Gu Dongxiang, Jiang Haiyan, Cao Weixing, ZhuYan
    2010, 26(10): 188-194.
    Abstract PDF
    Three dimensional reconstruction and visual modeling of plant architecture based on voxel coloring
    Guo Hao, Ge Zhenyang, Jiang Haibo, Lin Wenru, Liu Jing
    2010, 26(10): 195-200.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation method of sugarcane leaf area index using HJ CCD images
    Guo Lin, Pei Zhiyuan, Zhang Songling, Sun Juanying, Liang Zili, Teng Dongjian
    2010, 26(10): 201-205.
    Abstract PDF
    Monitoring of winter wheat area by remote sensing based on Cokriging
    Fan Lei, Cheng Yongzheng, Zheng Guoqing, Wang Laigang, Liu Ting
    2010, 26(10): 206-211.
    Abstract PDF
    Extracting phaeozem information in Songliao Plain based on remote sensing and GIS
    Xing Yu, Jiang Qigang, Li Yuanhua, Cui Hanwen, Lin Nan
    2010, 26(10): 212-217.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation of regional evapotranspiration by remote sensing data considering topographic effects
    Gao Yongnian, Gao Junfeng, Zhang Wanchang, Xia Ting
    2010, 26(10): 218-223.
    Abstract PDF
    Agricultural environment real-time monitor and control system based on 6LoWPAN sensor networks
    Wang Xiaonan, Yin Xudong
    2010, 26(10): 224-228.
    Abstract PDF
    Meat-productions tracking and traceability system based on internet of things with RFID and GIS
    Ren Shougang, Xu Huanliang, Li An, Zhou Guanghong
    2010, 26(10): 229-235.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of potato external defects detection based on fast gray intercept threshold segmentation algorithm and ten-color model
    Li Jinwei, Liao Guiping, Jin Jing, Yu Xiaojuan
    2010, 26(10): 236-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of RTK-GPS receiver system based on VRS technology
    Cao Mingang, Zhang Man, Ma Wenqiang, Liu Gang
    2010, 26(10): 243-246.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation of livestock greenhouse gases discharge in China
    Hu Xiangdong, Wang Jimin
    2010, 26(10): 247-252.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of thermal blanket position on solar greenhouse temperature distributions
    Tong Guohong, David M. Christopher, Li Tianlai, Bai Yikui
    2010, 26(10): 253-258.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of dry matter partitioning of greenhouse cucumber under different fruit load conditions
    Ma Wanzheng, Mao Hanping, Ni Jiheng
    2010, 26(10): 259-263.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of waste heat and microbial agents on composting efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction of municipal solid wastes
    Gao Dan, Zhang Hongyu, Li Guoxue, Jiang Tao, Deng Hui, Zhang Wei
    2010, 26(10): 264-271.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectroscopic characteristics comparison of conventional fluorescence of dissolved organic matter with solid surface fluorescence during composting
    He Xiaosong, Xi Beidou, Wei Zimin, Li Mingxiao, An Da, Yu Hong, Liu Hongliang
    2010, 26(10): 272-276.
    Abstract PDF
    Biogas production potential and characteristics of manure of sheep, duck and rabbit under anaerobic digestion
    Song Li, Deng Liangwei, Yin Yong, Pu Xiaodong, Wang Zhiyong
    2010, 26(10): 277-282.
    Abstract PDF
    CFD simulation and temperature field validation of biogas digester mixing
    Bi Junwei,, Zhu Hongguang, Shi Huixian, Li Yongming, Rong Ling, Wang Tao
    2010, 26(10): 283-289.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of metallic ions on hydrogen fermentation in mixed anaerobic culture system
    Liu Shiqing, Liu Weiwei, Ma Huan, Cao Chengmao, Wu Delin, Zhu Dequan, Wang Jixian
    2010, 26(10): 290-296.
    Abstract PDF
    National agricultural land grading distribution law based on conversion from provincial level to national level in Chongqing
    Zhang Qingpu, Kong Xiangbin, Yun Wenju, Su Qiang, Huang Jialin, Zhang Xiaocheng, Li Tao
    2010, 26(10): 297-303.
    Abstract PDF
    Cultivated land quality change and its future trend modeling in Beijing mountainous area
    Jiang Guanghui, Zhao Tingting, Duan Zengqiang, Zhang Fengrong, Huo Huige, Tan Xuejing
    2010, 26(10): 304-311.
    Abstract PDF
    Land use/cover decision tree classification fusing multi-temporal and multi-spectral of MODIS
    Liu Jianguang, Li Hong, Sun Danfeng, Zhang Weiwei, Zhou Liandi
    2010, 26(10): 312-318.
    Abstract PDF
    Suitability evaluation of land cultivation in desertification region with different policies
    He Yingbin, Tang Huajun, Yang Peng, Yao Yanmin, Chen Youqi, Chen Zhongxin, Li Jianping
    2010, 26(10): 319-324.
    Abstract PDF
    GIS-based suitability evaluation for green agricultural product base
    You Juan, Pan Yuchun, Chen Baisong, Wang Jihua, Lu Zhou, Zhang Wuming
    2010, 26(10): 325-330.
    Abstract PDF
    Accuracy and efficiency of different spatial sampling schemes for cropland change monitoring
    Liu Jianhong, Zhu Wenquan
    2010, 26(10): 331-336.
    Abstract PDF
    Emergy-based analysis of expost benefits of land exploitation and consolidation
    Zhao Junrui, Zhu Daolin
    2010, 26(10): 337-344.
    Abstract PDF
    In-field pineapple recognition based on monocular vision
    Li Bin, Ning Wang, Wang Maohua, Li Li
    2010, 26(10): 345-349.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of defect Pleurotus Geesteranus based on computer vision
    Huang Xingyi, Jiang Shuang, Chen Quansheng, Zhao Jiewen
    2010, 26(10): 350-354.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of foreign materials on the surface of ginned cotton by hyper-spectral imaging
    Guo Junxian, Ying Yibin, Cheng Fang, Kang Yuguo, Li Futang, Rao Xiuqin
    2010, 26(10): 355-360.
    Abstract PDF
    Low-temperature spray drying performance of laboratory spray dryer for bovine colostrum powder
    Yu Huaning, Ardil Abdukerim, Long Weiyun, Li Yunfei
    2010, 26(10): 361-366.
    Abstract PDF
    Drying characteristics and dynamics model of green tea by microwave vacuum drying
    Wei Wei, Li Weixin, He Zhigang, Lin Xiaozi
    2010, 26(10): 367-371.
    Abstract PDF
    Process optimization of preparation of clarified blackberry juice using two commercial enzymes
    Zhang Lixia, Zhou Jianzhong, Liu Hongjin, Huang Kaihong, Gu Zhenxin
    2010, 26(10): 372-376.
    Abstract PDF
    Performance of solar dryer and drying effect for panax notoginseng
    Wang Yunfeng, Li Ming, Wang Liuling, Wei Shengxian
    2010, 26(10): 377-383.
    Abstract PDF