    Thinking of food security in China based on regional water resources and land cultivation
    Yang Guiyu, Wang Lin, Wang Hao
    2010, 26(12): 1-5.
    Abstract PDF
    Exploration on anti-frost heave mechanism of self-adjusting lining canal based on computer simulation
    Liu Xudong, Wang Zhengzhong, Yan Changcheng, Li Jialin
    2010, 26(12): 6-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of filter with uniform sandy filtration medium used in micro-irrigation on mass fraction of particles and turbidity of water with fly ash
    Zhai Guoliang, Chen Gang, Zhao Hongshu, Deng Zhong, Feng Junjie, Han Qibiao, Liu Yang
    2010, 26(12): 13-18.
    Abstract PDF
    Impacts of water-retaining agent on soil moisture and water use in different growth stages of winter wheat
    Yang Yonghui, Wu Pute, Wu Jicheng, Zhao Shiwei, Zhao Xining, Huang Zhanbin, HE Fang
    2010, 26(12): 19-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Field evaluation of drip fertigation uniformity effects on distributions of water and nitrogen in soil
    Li Jiusheng, Yin Jianfeng, Zhang Hang, Li Yanfeng
    2010, 26(12): 27-33.
    Abstract PDF
    One-dimensional model development and validation of surface flow and solute transport for border irrigation in traditional surface fertilizer application
    Zhang Shaohui, Xu Di, Li Yinong, Bai Meijian
    2010, 26(12): 34-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical analysis of layout parameters and reasonable design of grape drip irrigation system for stony soil in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
    Chen Ruonan, Wang Quanjiu, Yang yanfen
    2010, 26(12): 40-46.
    Abstract PDF
    Winter wheat irrigation schedule on stochastic precipitation
    Wang Shengfeng, Duan Aiwang, Zhang Zhanyu, Xu Jianxin
    2010, 26(12): 47-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Fast method for estimating soil infiltrability with modified Green-Ampt model
    Mao Lili, Lei Tingwu
    2010, 26(12): 53-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of low irrigation limits on yield and grain quality of winter wheat
    Shen Xiaojun, Sun Jingsheng, Liu Zugui, Zhang Junpeng, Liu Xiaofei
    2010, 26(12): 58-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Verification and numerical simulation for water flow and heat transport under drip irrigation
    Wang Jiandong, Gong Shihong, Xu Di, Ma Xiaopeng, Yu Yingduo
    2010, 26(12): 66-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation on regulation for efficient utilization of water and fertilizer resources in paddy fields
    Shao Dongguo, Sun Chunmin, Wang Hongqiang, Liu Huanhuan, Yuan Junguang, Wang Jianzhang, Zheng Chuanju
    2010, 26(12): 72-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Field simulated experiment on soil erosion and sediment yield of unpaved roads
    Wang Zhen, Wang Wenlong, Luo Ting, Jin Jian, Wang Hao
    2010, 26(12): 77-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Projection pursuit model for evaluating drought based on improved artificial fish swarm algorithm of Sanjiang Plain
    Ding Hong, Liu Dong, Li Tao
    2010, 26(12): 84-88.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of contour grass hedges on soil and water losses of sloping cropland in Beijing
    Yu Dingfang, Dai Quanhou, Wang Qinghai, Xiao Bo
    2010, 26(12): 89-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial heterogeneity of soil salinity in typical arid area based on electromagnetic induction
    Li Xiaoming, Yang Jingsong, Liu Meixian, Liu Guangming, Yao Rongjiang
    2010, 26(12): 97-101.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristic analysis of phosphorus loss in surface drainage from cropland in Zhanghe irrigation district
    Li Ruihong, Hong Lin, Luo Wenbing
    2010, 26(12): 102-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism and methodology for monitoring tomato water content based on stem diameter variation
    Wang Xiaosen, Meng Zhaojiang, Duan Aiwang, Liu Zugui
    2010, 26(12): 107-113.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and test on seed metering device with variable capacity model-hole roller
    Tang Chuzhou, Luo Haifeng, Wu Mingliang, Li Ming
    2010, 26(12): 114-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Control strategy of high pressure pump unit applied to high pressure common rail multiple injection system
    Wei Xiong, Mao Xiaojian, Xiao Wenyong, Zhu Keqing, Zhuo Bin
    2010, 26(12): 120-124.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiments on design parameters of stripping header for super rice in cold region
    Han Bao, Wu Wenfu, Huang Xinguo
    2010, 26(12): 125-130.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of test system for rice shape property parameters
    Wu Caizhang, Bu Dongwei
    2010, 26(12): 131-135.
    Abstract PDF
    Lubricating model of conical spindle distributing flow pair and arithmetic of model
    Zou Yunfei, Jing Chongbo, Liu Jinchuan
    2010, 26(12): 136-141.
    Abstract PDF
    Modeling and analysis on extruding force in pelleting process
    Wu Kai, Shi Shuijuan, Peng Binbin, Ding Wuxue, Sun Yu
    2010, 26(12): 142-147.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental research on radiation efficiency of the gear-cover of 4100QB diesel engine
    Li Min, Shu Gequn, Liang Xingyu
    2010, 26(12): 148-152.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of combing ridge and no-tillage on aggregates and organic matter in a rice-based cropping system
    Yuan Junji, Peng Sili, Jiang Xianjun, Xie Deti
    2010, 26(12): 153-160.
    Abstract PDF
    Technological characteristics and quantitative analysis of different conservation tillage patterns
    Chen Yuanquan, Li Yuanyuan, Sui Peng, Liu Wuren, Huang Jianxiong, Gao Wangsheng
    2010, 26(12): 161-167.
    Abstract PDF
    Development situation analysis of crop cultivation mechanization in Heilongjiang Province
    Wang Jinwu, Ju Jinyan, Wang Jinfeng
    2010, 26(12): 168-172.
    Abstract PDF
    Probing method of tree spray target profile
    Zhai Changyuan, Zhao Chunjiang, Wang Xiu, Zou Wei, Mao Yijin, Zhang Rui
    2010, 26(12): 173-177.
    Abstract PDF
    Path-loss prediction for radio frequency signal of wireless sensor network in field based on artificial neural network
    Li Zhen, Hong Tiansheng, Ning Wang, Hong Ya, Wen Tao, Li Jianian
    2010, 26(12): 178-181.
    Abstract PDF
    Short-term wind power forecasting based on an improved persistence approach
    Li Li, Ye Lin
    2010, 26(12): 182-187.
    Abstract PDF
    In-situ crop hyperspectral acquiring and spectral features analysis based on pushbroom imaging spectrometer
    Zhang Dongyan, Huang Wenjiang, Wang Jihua, Yang Guijun, Zhu Dazhou, Liu Rongyuan, Ma Zhihong
    2010, 26(12): 188-192.
    Abstract PDF
    Crop precision fertilization model based on improved BP neural network ensemble
    Yu Helong, Zhao Xinzi, Chen Guifen, Wan Baocheng, Gao Jie
    2010, 26(12): 193-198.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial interpolation of soil properties based on soil types and trace micro-elements
    Shi Shuqin, Chen Youqi, Li Zhengguo, Yang Peng, Wu Wenbin, Yao Yanmin
    2010, 26(12): 199-205.
    Abstract PDF
    Segmentation algorithm of overlapping tomato seedling leaves based on edge chaincode information
    Sun Guoxiang, Wang Xiaochan, He Guomin
    2010, 26(12): 206-211.
    Abstract PDF
    Non-destructive measurement of wheat spike characteristics based on morphological image processing
    Bi Kun, Jiang Pan, Li Lei, Shi Benyi, Wang Cheng
    2010, 26(12): 212-216.
    Abstract PDF
    Validation of MODIS FAPAR in the Hulunber grassland of China
    Li Gang, Zhang Hua, Fan Wenjie, Zhang Hongbin, Xin Xiaoping
    2010, 26(12): 217-224.
    Abstract PDF
    Wireless data transmission system of apple harvesting robot
    Lü Jidong, Zhao De’an, Ji Wei, Guo Jinliang, Li Zhankun
    2010, 26(12): 225-230.
    Abstract PDF
    Remote sensing image fusion by multi-ary wavelet transform combining multiple dimension texture features
    Wu Yanbin, Fu Meichen, Li Liangjun
    2010, 26(12): 231-236.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil sampling method based on field measurements and remote sensing images
    Quan Quan, Xie Jiancang, Shen Bing, Luo Wan
    2010, 26(12): 237-241.
    Abstract PDF
    Crops distribution in large scale based on SPOT/VGT NDVI
    Li Yang, Jiang Nan, Shi Hao, Lü Heng, Xue Chunyan, Wang Ni
    2010, 26(12): 242-247.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of wheat canopy nitrogen content ratio by hyperspectral technology based on wavelet denoising and support vector regression
    Liang Liang, Yang Minhua, Zang Zhuo
    2010, 26(12): 248-253.
    Abstract PDF
    Kalman filtering for integrated navigation based on time series analysis
    Zhou Jun, Zhang Peng, Liu Chengliang
    2010, 26(12): 254-258.
    Abstract PDF
    Water saving efficiency of closed greenhouse based on evapotranspiration equilibrium
    Zhang Cheng, He Chaoxing, Guillermo Zaragoza, Yan Denghua, Dolores Buendía, Zhao Zhixuan
    2010, 26(12): 259-264.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation technology of oriented cotton stalk bunches/high density polyethylene composite panels
    Qi Chusheng, Guo Kangquan, Gu Rong, Liu Yanyan
    2010, 26(12): 265-270.
    Abstract PDF
    Combustion characteristics of emulsified fuel from bio-oil/diesel oil
    Zhang Ximei, Bai Xueyuan, Wang Lihong, Cai Hongzhen, Li Yongjun
    2010, 26(12): 271-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization on parameters of solid-liquid separation process of dairy manure by screw press
    Guan Zhengjun, Li Wenzhe, Yang Baisong, Zheng Guoxiang
    2010, 26(12): 276-279.
    Abstract PDF
    Safety of heavy metals pollution for wheat planted in reclaimed mining soil
    Dong Jihong, Yu Min, Cheng Wei, Ge Dongmei, Li Kexin
    2010, 26(12): 280-286.
    Abstract PDF
    Economic dispatching of renewable energy distribution generation systems
    Wu Hongbin, Cai Liang
    2010, 26(12): 287-292.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization and analysis of bio-fuel logistics for biomass power plant
    Yu Hongde, Wang Qinhui, Klein E. Ilelej, Yu Chunjiang, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa
    2010, 26(12): 293-297.
    Abstract PDF
    Fuzzy synthetical evaluation of meteorological disasters to Camellia Sinensis (L. O. Ktze) and its regionalization in Hubei Province
    Chen Sining, Shen Shuanghe, Liu Min, Feng Ming, Zhang Weiwei
    2010, 26(12): 298-303.
    Abstract PDF
    Suitability evaluation of reserve resources of cultivated land development in Beijing
    Guan Xiaoke, Zhang Fengrong, Li Le, Guo Lin’a, Shao Zhanlin
    2010, 26(12): 304-310.
    Abstract PDF
    Comprehensive assessment methodology of soil quality under different land use conditions
    Zhang Wangshou, Li Xiaoxiu, Huang Wenjiang, Li Jianhui, Ren Wanping, Gao Zhongling
    2010, 26(12): 311-318.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation of topsoil thickness in reclaimed field using EM38
    Cai Caixia, Lin Jianhui, Meng Fanjia, Sun Yurui, Li Daoliang
    2010, 26(12): 319-323.
    Abstract PDF
    Stochastic simulation of cultivated soil organic matter spatial variability
    Yang Qiyong, Yang Jinsong, Yao Rongjiang, Huang Biao, Sun Weixia
    2010, 26(12): 324-329.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of DEM grid resolution on quantitative soil-landscape model at hilly and mountain area
    Guo Pengtao, Wu Wei, Liu Hongbin, Xie Deti, Li Maofen
    2010, 26(12): 330-336.
    Abstract PDF
    Land use pattern optimization based on eco-service value in the upper Chaobai River Basin
    Zheng Jiangkun, Yu Xinxiao, Xia Bing, Jia Guodong, Pang Zhuo, Song Siming
    2010, 26(12): 337-344.
    Abstract PDF
    Method and empirical research on the realization degree of arable land production capacity at town level
    Kong Xiangbin, Li Cuizhen, Zhao Jing, Wang Hongyu, Tan Min, Li Tao, Zhang Qingpu
    2010, 26(12): 345-351.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of shiitake mushroom vacuum tempering drying process based on imaginary calculation of its shrinking rate
    Gong Yuanjuan, Yu Yongwei, Qin Junwe, Lin Jing
    2010, 26(12): 352-357.
    Abstract PDF
    Automatic measurement and quantitative characteristics of rice viscosity
    Gao Yuan, Zhou Jiping, Wei Xiaobin, Jiang Nan, Dai Qigen
    2010, 26(12): 358-362.
    Abstract PDF
    Desalination of dairy whey by nanofiltration
    Kong Fanpi, Liu Lu, Sun Zhuo, Li Hongjuan, Lü Jiaping
    2010, 26(12): 363-366.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of pullulanase hydrolysis technology in processing modified extrusion starch films
    Su Junfeng, Cheng Jianjun
    2010, 26(12): 367-372.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of visible and near infrared spectroscopy to identification of navel orange varieties using SIMCA and PLS-DA methods
    Hao Yong, Sun Xudong, Gao Rongjie, Pan Yuanyuan, Liu Yande
    2010, 26(12): 373-377.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different inactivation treatment on oat flavor and quality
    Cao Ruge, Lin Qin, Ren Changzhong, Li Zaigui
    2010, 26(12): 378-382.
    Abstract PDF