    Critical assessment indicators for measuring benefits of investment in rural infrastructure
    Jiang Shijie, Shen Liyin, Peng Yi, Yang Jianwei
    2010, 26(9): 1-8.
    Experimental study of nitrogen leaching pattern in controlled pipe-drainage cotton field
    Yuan Niannian, Huang Jiesheng, Xie Hua, Huang Zhiqiang
    2010, 26(9): 9-13.
    Effects of soil physical properties on irrigation quality of lateral in subsurface drip irrigation
    Li Gang, Wang Xiaoyu, Bai Dan
    2010, 26(9): 14-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of sea ice water irrigation and different fertilizations on soil salinality dynamics and cotton
    Hu Yujiao, Wang Xiaobin, Zhao Quansheng, Zheng Yan, Wu Xueping, Cai Dianxiong, Wu Huijun, Xu Yingjun, Gu Wei
    2010, 26(9): 20-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of mineralization of irrigation water and soil salinity on cotton emergence rate in Southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China
    Wang Chunxia, Wang Quanjiu, Liu Jianjun, Su LiJun, Shan YuYang, Zhuang Liang
    2010, 26(9): 28-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of salt crust on soil evaporation condition with saline-water drip-irrigation in extreme arid region
    Zhang Jianguo, Xu Xinwen, Lei Jiaqiang, Li Shengyu
    2010, 26(9): 34-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical simulation of soil water movement with drip irrigation of multiple point source
    Zhang Lin, Wu Pute, Fan Xingke
    2010, 26(9): 40-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use efficiency of tomato in solar greenhouse
    Wang Feng, Du Taisheng, Qiu Rangjian, Dong Pingguo
    2010, 26(9): 46-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Water consumption of cherry tomato with mulched drip irrigation in solar greenhouse
    Guo Zhankui, Liu Honglu, Wu Wenyong, Yang Shengli
    2010, 26(9): 53-58.
    Abstract PDF
    Change in pan evaporation and its driving factors in Jiangxi Province
    Sun Shanlei, Zhou Suoquan, Song Jie, Shi Jianhong, Gu Renying, Ma Fengmin
    2010, 26(9): 59-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of rotational tillage treatments on soil structure and water storage in double rice cropping region
    Sun Guofeng, Zhang Hailin, Xu Shangqi, Cui Siyuan, Tang Wenguang, Chen Fu
    2010, 26(9): 66-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Models of soil and water conservation and ecological restoration in the loess hilly region of China
    Dang Xiaohu, Liu Guobin, Xue Sha
    2010, 26(9): 72-80.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different tillage measures on soil and water conservation in slope farmland of red soil in Southern China
    Xie Songhua, Zeng Jianling, Yang Jie, Yuan Fang
    2010, 26(9): 81-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Variability of soil moisture and its relationship with environmental factors on Karst hillslope
    Zhang Jiguang, Chen Hongsong, Su Yirong, Liang Hongbo, Kong Xiangli, Zhang Wei
    2010, 26(9): 87-93.
    Abstract PDF
    Phosphorus adsorption on the surface sediments of ditches in Hetao irrigation
    Wei Xinfeng, Ouyang Wei, Hao Fanghua, Zhang Xuan, Wang Yunhui, Xu Yiming
    2010, 26(9): 94-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Test and optimization of parameters for the storing device of plot seeder
    Liu Shuguang, Shang Shuqi, Yang Ranbing, Zheng Yuenan, Zhao Dajun, Zhao Jianliang
    2010, 26(9): 101-108.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of maize seed grading on sowing quality by pneumatic precision seed-metering device
    Liu Jia, Cui Tao, Zhang Dongxing, Yang Li, Gao Nana, Wang Bo
    2010, 26(9): 109-113.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of parameters for delinted cottonseeds dielectric selection
    Kan Za, Gu Chenchen, Wang Lihong, Fu Wei
    2010, 26(9): 114-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Vitality property experiments of vegetable seeds coating with magnetic powder
    Hu Jianping, Qi Chunhui
    2010, 26(9): 120-123.
    Abstract PDF
    Developement of automatic inspection system of corn seeds
    Song Peng, Zhang Junxiong, Xun Yi, Chen Xiao, Li Wei
    2010, 26(9): 124-127.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of electric field processing and dielectric separation on cotton seed germination rate and seedling mass
    Li Fade, Zhang Xiangang, Li Xiuzhi, Wang Houping
    2010, 26(9): 128-132.
    Abstract PDF
    Theoretical analysis and experiments of metering performance of the pheumatic seed metering device
    Liu Wenzhong, Zhao Manquan, Wang Wenming, Zhao Shijie
    2010, 26(9): 133-138.
    Abstract PDF
    Metering performance of the vibrational vacuum precision tray seeder
    Yang Mingjin, Qiu Bing, Yang Ling, Chen Zhonghui
    2010, 26(9): 139-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimum hydraulic design and model test of large-scale low-lift pump devices
    Li Yanjun, Yan Hongqin, Ge Qiang, Yang Jingjiang, Yan Dengfeng
    2010, 26(9): 144-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Structure design and experiments on the water distribution of the variable-rate sprinkler with non-circle nozzle
    Yuan Shouqi, Wei Yangyang, Li Hong, Xiang Qingjiang
    2010, 26(9): 149-153.
    Abstract PDF
    Chain separator parameter optimization for the pot seedling of sugar beet
    Zhao Zuowei, Chen Haitao, Lai Qinghui, Ren Keke
    2010, 26(9): 154-158.
    Abstract PDF
    3-D finite element analysis of piston deformation under different operating conditions of diesel engine
    Tong Baohong, Zhang Qiang
    2010, 26(9): 159-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical analysis of compression combustion and reaction components of diesel fuel with various injection modes
    Fan Qianwang, Li Liguang, Chen Yichuan, ShiKun, DengJun, Hu Zongjie
    2010, 26(9): 164-170.
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical simulation of biomass gas and tar torrential flow characteristics in cyclone separator
    Dong Yuping, Dong Lei, Qiang Ning, Jing Yuanzhuo, GuoFeiqiang
    2010, 26(9): 171-175.
    Abstract PDF
    Active control on the side tumbling of heavy vehicle based on model forecast
    Xia Jingjing, Chang Lü, Hu Xiaoming, He Yong
    2010, 26(9): 176-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Model of relationships between planting industry mechanization degree and labor demand
    Wang Fulin, Suo Ruixia, Zhang Lin, Cang Lei
    2010, 26(9): 181-184.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of intelligent control system for bioreactor of marine microbial enzymes
    Zhu Xianglin, Liu Yefei, Sun Mi, Wang Yuejun
    2010, 26(9): 185-191.
    Abstract PDF
    Positioning algorithm for ultrasonic scanning of fruit tree canopy and its tests
    Zhang Lin, Zhao Zuoxi, Yu Long, Zhang Zhigang, Huang Jian
    2010, 26(9): 192-197.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of non-destructive measurement for plant leaf area and its instrument development
    Nie Pengcheng, Yang Yan, Liu Fei, Zheng Jintu, He Yong
    2010, 26(9): 198-202.
    Abstract PDF
    Non-destructive measurement system for plant growth information based on machine vision
    Ma Zhiyu, Hiroshi Shimizu, Gu Song
    2010, 26(9): 203-209.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of winter wheat planting area estimation based on support vector machine and post-classification changed vector analysis
    Li Lingling, Pan Yaozhong, Zhang Jinshui, Song Guobao, Hou Dong
    2010, 26(9): 210-217.
    Abstract PDF
    Remote-sensing based monitoring of planting structure and growth condition of major crops in Northeast China
    Huang Qing, Tang Huajun, Zhou Qingbo, Wu Wenbin, Wang Limin, Zhang Li
    2010, 26(9): 218-223.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil moisture estimation at various growth stages of winter wheat based on ASAR data
    Bao Yansong, Liu Li, Kong Lingyin, Wang Jihua, Liu Liangyun
    2010, 26(9): 224-232.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of evapotranspiration characteristics for different land covers over Songnen Plain based on remote sensing
    Zeng Lihong, Song Kaishan, Zhang Bai, Wang Zongming, Du Jia
    2010, 26(9): 233-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Improvement of Ts-NDVI space method in drought monitoring
    Yu Min, Gao Yuzhong, Zhang Hongling
    2010, 26(9): 243-250.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil spatial information management system based on WebGIS and barcode technology
    Guo Wushi, Yi Xin, Chen Yunping, Wang Xiu
    2010, 26(9): 251-256.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and implementation of the spatial decision support system for agriculture
    Yan Xiaojun, Wang Weirui, Liang Jianping
    2010, 26(9): 257-262.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of whole process tracking and traceability platform of broilers safety production
    Chen Changxi, Zhang Hongfu, Fei Xiejingwei, Wang Yiding
    2010, 26(9): 263-269.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on spraying disinfection with neutral electrolyzed water in a layer breeding farm
    Zheng Weichao, Li Baoming, Shang Yuchao, Wang Chaoyuan, Yang Zhanyong, Cao We
    2010, 26(9): 270-273.
    Abstract PDF
    Temperature modified model for single-leaf net photosynthetic rate of greenhouse tomato
    Li Tianlai, Yan Adan, Luo Xinlan, Qiu Jiaqi, Li Dong, Yao Zhenkun
    2010, 26(9): 274-279.
    Abstract PDF
    Production line and corollary equipment of biomass solid fuel
    Yao Zonglu, Tian Yishui, Meng Haibo, Zhao Lixin, Huo Lili
    2010, 26(9): 280-285.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimation model of leaf wetness duration based on canopy relative humidity for cucumbers in solar greenhouse
    Li Ming, Zhao Chunjiang, Qiao Shu, Qian Jianping, Yang Xinting
    2010, 26(9): 286-291.
    Abstract PDF
    Ethanol production from wet oxidized corn straw by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
    Zhang Qiang, Yin Yongguang, Anders Thygesen, Anne Belinda Thomsen
    2010, 26(9): 292-295.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation and change of arable land economic value based on land consolidation
    Wang Ailing, Hu Jilian, Liu Wenpeng, Li Ying, Ji Guangwei
    2010, 26(9): 296-300.
    Abstract PDF
    Health appraisal of farmland under mechanism of urbanization drive
    Li Qiang, Zhao Ye, Yan Jinming
    2010, 26(9): 301-307.
    Abstract PDF
    Farmland consolidation type zoning based on combination of grading factors
    Guo Lina, Zhang Fengrong, Qu Yanbo, Zhu Taifeng, Zhang Fengrong, Qu Yanbo, Guan Xiaoke, Zhu Taifeng
    2010, 26(9): 308-314.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic evolution of the ecological service value based on LUCC in Miyun Reservoir Catchment
    Zheng Jiangkun, Yu Xinxiao, Jia Guodong, Xia Bing
    2010, 26(9): 315-320.
    Abstract PDF
    Model of urban land-use spatial optimization based on particle swarm optimization algorithm
    Ma Shifa, He Jianhua, Yu Yan
    2010, 26(9): 321-326.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial variability of soil fertility in Daxing District of Beijing
    Cui Xiaoxiao, Gao Yuan, Lü Yizhong
    2010, 26(9): 327-333.
    Abstract PDF
    Measurement of pork freshness by steady spatially-resolved spectroscopy
    Wen Xing, Liang Zhihong, Zhang Genwei, Huang Lan, Wang Zhongyi
    2010, 26(9): 334-339.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid detection of adulterated milk by low field-nuclear magnetic resonance coupled with PCA method
    Jiang Chao, Han Jianzhong, Fan Jiali, Tian Shiyi
    2010, 26(9): 340-344.
    Abstract PDF
    Inactivation of E.coli in fresh fruit juice using dielectric barrier discharge plasma (DBDP)
    Lin Xiangyang, Li Yanhui, Huang Binhong, Cheng Yanling, Zhang Hong, Zhu Rongbi, Roger Ruan
    2010, 26(9): 345-349.
    Abstract PDF
    Model of inactivation kinetics of pressure resistant strains in low acid food by ultra-high pressure processing
    Lu Rongrong, Qian Ping, He Hongyan, Yu Jianyong, Qi Weimin, Zhang Xiaojuan, Chen Xiao
    2010, 26(9): 350-356.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different high electrostatic field treatment on the color changes of tomato fruit
    Wang Yu, Di Jianbing, Wang Baogang, Li Lite
    2010, 26(9): 357-361.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology for aqueous extraction of camellia seed oil by salt effect
    Guo Yubao, Tu Kang, Xue Zhenglian, Ji Changlu, Guo Rui
    2010, 26(9): 362-367.
    Abstract PDF
    High intensity pulsed electric fields assisted extraction of lycopene from tomato residual
    Jin Shenglang, Yin Yongguang
    2010, 26(9): 368-373.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation technology of cellulose acetate from sugarcane bagasse by mechanical activation
    Chen Yuan, Huang Zuqiang, Yang Jiatian, Zhu Wanren, Mo Jianhua, Liu Liyan
    2010, 26(9): 374-380.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of extruding processing of Tieguanyin tea stem on its flavor and aroma components
    Du Bing, Chen Yuejiao, Li Yanjie, Jiang Dongwen, Xia Yu, Yang Gongming
    2010, 26(9): 381-384.
    Abstract PDF