    Harnessing Measures & Countermeasures for Agricultural Ecology in Upper & Middle Reaches of Yangtze River Valleys
    Dong Qingong, Zhang Jingheng
    2000, 16(7): 1-4.
    Water and Soil Circumstance and Development Strategies for High Yield Region of Northwest Desert Oasis Area
    Chai Shouxi, Huang Gaobao
    2000, 16(7): 5-9.
    Environment-Ecology-Economy(3E) Theory and the Sustainable Development of an Ecological Agricultural System in Xinjiang
    Wang Xicheng
    2000, 16(7): 10-12.
    Development Model of Karamay Ecological Agriculture in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
    Yao Wenchu, Jia Xhuanxiang
    2000, 16(7): 13-17.
    High-Efficient Use of Natural Resources and the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Semiarid Areas of Shaanxi Province
    Xu Fuli, Wang Weiling, Li Like, Yan Jufang
    2000, 16(7): 18-22.
    Present Situation and Development Potential of Farmland Irrigation in Yulin Prefecture
    Gao Zhenghu, Niu Xiufeng, Li Feng
    2000, 16(7): 23-27.
    Determining of Some Technical Parameters of Water Saving Irrigation for the Standard
    Huang Xiuqiao, Li Yingneng, Wang Xiaoling, Zhao Leshi
    2000, 16(7): 28-30.
    Application of WAVES to Modeling Hydrologic Processes in Agricultural Scale of Loess Plateau
    Huang Mingbin, Shao Ming′an, Li Yushan
    2000, 16(7): 31-35.
    Concept Technology and Working Pattern of Land Consolidation
    Ye Yanmei, Wu Cifang, Wu Yuzhe
    2000, 16(7): 36-39.
    Simulated Experimental Study on Increasing Runoff and Its Harvesting With Hard Earth Surface
    Liu Xiaoyong, Wu Pute
    2000, 16(7): 40-43.
    Optimization of Irrigation Technique Scheme for Irrigation With Plastic Mulch
    Jiao Xiyun, Wang Wenyan, Lei Zhidong, Zhang Jianghui, Ding Xinli
    2000, 16(7): 44-48.
    Application of the Method of Frequency Pedigreed to Forecast Ground Water Level on the Irrigation Areas Pumping Water From the Yellow River at the Guhai in Ningxia Region
    Ma Wenmin, Fen Fudi
    2000, 16(7): 49-52.
    Determination of Apple Tree Root Water Uptake Model
    Hao Zhongyong, Liu Honglu, Yang Peiling
    2000, 16(7): 53-56.
    Effects of Phosphorous Fertilizer Deep Application on Winter Wheat Root and Soil Water Under Soil Loosening Conditions
    Zhang Qiang, Jin Qingyuan
    2000, 16(7): 57-60.
    Water and Temperature Effect of Collected-Rain Water Patterns and Its Effect on Maize Development and Growth
    Wang Gailan, Huang Xuefang, Guo Kunmei, Chi Baoliang
    2000, 16(7): 61-64.
    Effect of Shifting Irrigation With Fresh & Salt Water on Physiology and Yield of Beet
    Tian Yuan, Li Fengmin, Ma Jingfang
    2000, 16(7): 65-67.
    Relation Between Water & Fertility of Soil and High Yield & Fine Quality of Apricot on Montaineous Sloping Field
    Wang Yanpin, Li Pin, Gao Pengcheng, Li Feng, Zhang Ming
    2000, 16(7): 68-72.
    Difference in Physicochemical Characteristic Changes Between Assortments of Stored Brown Rice
    Bao Qinbing, Tomio ITANI
    2000, 16(7): 83-86.
    Dietary Fiber From the Extruded Soybean Dregs
    Qin Botao
    2000, 16(7): 87-89.
    Economic Scale of Grain Seed Processing Factory
    Zhu Xurong, Jia Shuanxiang, Chang Ruifu
    2000, 16(7): 90-93.
    Rheological Behaviour of Amophophalloglueomanan Sol
    Luo Xuegang
    2000, 16(7): 94-97.
    Properties and Application of Fine-Granular Konjac Flour(FGKF) and a Blend of Konjac With Xanthan Gum
    Wu Yinglong
    2000, 16(7): 98-101.
    Experimental Study on Drying Quality of Potato Granules
    Zhang Yan, Cao Chongwen, Hu Xiaopei
    2000, 16(7): 102-104.
    Machine of Fresh Mango Preservation and Effect of Fresh Preservation
    Zhu Deming, Ke Kaiwen, Chen Min, Ao Ninjian, Li Zhuzhu, Yu Mengjun, Pan Jiangqiu, Yin Ping
    2000, 16(7): 105-107.
    Vacuum Precooling Model of Longan Fruit
    Chen Jinquan, Lin Hetong
    2000, 16(7): 108-110.
    Test and Research on Separation of Tea Stems and Leaves by Gravity
    Chen Guixiang, Wang Jun
    2000, 16(7): 111-113.
    Extracting Technique of Astragalus Polysaccharide(ASP)
    Yan Qiaojuan, Jiang Zhengqiang, Han Lujia, Liu Xiangyang
    2000, 16(7): 114-116.
    Effect of Pectolytic Enzyme ROHAPECT D5L SPECCIAL on Juice Extracting and Clarifying of Kiwifruit Juice
    Chen Jianchu, Ye Xingqian, Su Ping
    2000, 16(7): 117-120.
    Solubility of α-Tocopherol(α-T) in Soybean Deodorized Sludge in Supercritical CO2
    Ma Haile, Wu Shouyi, Yao Zhong
    2000, 16(7): 121-124.
    Study on Removing Bitterness and Toxicant of Bitter Almond
    Zhang Huimin, Yu Tongquan, Sun Rongfang, Zhang Haijing, Gao Zhengxu, Wang He
    2000, 16(7): 125-128.
    Development of Agricultural Mechanization Through the Upsurge of Striding Different Areas to Harvest Wheat by Combine
    Ren Wentao, Hu Zhongfei, Cong Guiqing
    2000, 16(7): 132-135.
    Preliminary Conversition on the Establishment of Agricultural Satellite Information Network
    Wang Sen
    2000, 16(7): 136-138.
    General Test and Research on Extracting Marsh Gas at the Bottom of Lakes, Rivers and Ponds
    Cheng Shanfei, Wang Zhengliang, Cheng Liangdeng
    2000, 16(7): 139-141.
    Function and Profit of Citrus-Forage Grass-Freshwater Fish-Duck Developing Model in Hilly-Gully Area
    Xing Shihe, Lin Wenxiong, Huang Maoti, Liao Jingsi, Lin Hongrong
    2000, 16(7): 142-146.
    Xinjiang-X Combine Header 3D Parametric Modeling in Xinjiang-X Combine CAD System
    Deng Jianjun, Zeng Jie, Cui Xinwei
    2000, 16(7): 147-149.
    Study on the Driver Ride Comfortibility of Soil Compacting Machine
    Qin Sicheng, Cheng Yuesun
    2000, 16(7): 150-153.
    Study on Different Ventilation Styles With Drip Cooling for Farrowing Sows
    Tao Xiuping, Dong Hongmin, Deng Changyan, Wu Meifang, Chen Shunyou
    2000, 16(7): 154-158.