    Scale effect of spatial variability of soil water-salt
    Xu Ying, Chen Yaxin, Shi Haibin, Wei Zhanmin
    2004, 20(2): 1-5.
    Abstract PDF
    Evapotranspiration model based on SPAC theory
    Cong Zhentao, Lei Zhidong, Yang Shixiu
    2004, 20(2): 6-9.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of temporal-spatial characteristics of reference evapotranspiration based on GIS technology in Northeast China during 1991~2000
    Xu Xinliang, Liu Jiyuan, Zhuang Dafang
    2004, 20(2): 10-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Impacts of climate change on reference crop evapotranspiration in Shiyang River basin
    Tong Ling, Kang Shaozhong, Su Xiaoling
    2004, 20(2): 15-18.
    Abstract PDF
    Preventing sloping soil erosion with macromolecule polymers through simulated experiment
    Wu Shufang, Wu Pute, Feng Hao, Zhu Xianwen
    2004, 20(2): 19-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparative analysis of measurement of velocity of slope laminar flow
    Xia Weisheng, Lei Tingwu, Liu Chunping, Wu Jinshui, Zhao Jun
    2004, 20(2): 23-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Infiltration calculation of soil with sand in layer
    Zhang Jianfeng, Wang Wenyan, Wang Zhirong, Wang Quanjiu
    2004, 20(2): 27-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimum allocation of regional land and water resources based on GIS
    Yao Huarong, Wu Shaohong, Cao Mingming
    2004, 20(2): 31-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Applied study of satellite image in identification of irrigation and drainage system
    Xu Di, Li Yinong, Cai Lingen
    2004, 20(2): 36-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization model of rotation irrigation channel distribution and solution with genetic algorithm
    Song Songbai, Lü Hongxing
    2004, 20(2): 40-44.
    Abstract PDF
    New concept of reversed capillary filtration reactor for domestic wastewater treatment and its laboratory verification
    Yu Yingduo, Lei Tingwu, Lin Cong, Xiao Juan, Zhang Jing
    2004, 20(2): 45-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Variation of phreatic evaporation and its calculation method in Tarim River basin in Xingjiang Region
    Hu Shunjun, Kang Shaozhong, Song Yudong, Tian Changyan, Pan Yu, Li Yan
    2004, 20(2): 49-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of macromechanic parameters of grapes and tomatoes
    Wang Rong, Jiao Qunying, Wei Deqiang
    2004, 20(2): 54-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation and slow release effect of coated urea using tung oil as film-forming materials
    Tang Hui, Wang Yaming, Ge Zhenyang, Yang Aiming
    2004, 20(2): 58-61.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of frequency and voltage of electric excitation signal on electric property of fruits
    Guo Wenchuan, Guo Kangquan, Wang Naixin
    2004, 20(2): 62-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of water regulation under drip irrigation on potato growth
    Kang Yuehu, Wang Fengxin, Liu Shiping, Sun Honghong
    2004, 20(2): 66-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Well-canal irrigation effects on water conservation in the Yellow River irrigation areas of Ningxia Region
    Qin Dayong, Yu Fuliang, Li Mushan
    2004, 20(2): 73-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulated study on soil moisture of field under water micro-collecting farming conditions
    Han Qingfang, Li Xiangtuo, Wang Junpeng, Jiang Jun, Ding Ruixia, Liu Zhenghui, Jia Zhikuan
    2004, 20(2): 78-82.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of different soil water in seedling stage on root and shoot biomass accumulation of winter wheat
    Yang Guiyu, Luo Yuanpei, Li Baoguo
    2004, 20(2): 83-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of surface soil salinity on crop yield in areas of the lower reaches of the Yellow River
    Ding Kunlun, Xu Di, Cai Lingen
    2004, 20(2): 88-92.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different soil moistures before sowing on water consumption characteristics and yield of summer maize
    Li Quanqi, Fang Quanxiao, Chen Yuhai, Yu Shunzhang, Wang Jishun, Luo Yi, Yu Qiang
    2004, 20(2): 93-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Economic feasibility of PAM application in rain-fed agriculture in the loess regions of Northwest China
    Lu Jun, Huang Xingfa, Tang Zejun, Zhan Weihua
    2004, 20(2): 97-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Runoff from different rain harvesting surfaces in hilly areas and techniques for building water cellars
    Cui Huanhu, Yan Cuiping, Jing Hua, Ma Aiping, Xu Jianbing, Wang Yuzhi
    2004, 20(2): 101-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of subsurface irrigation quota on salt accumulation of soil in plastic greenhouse cultivated with tomato
    Zhang Yulong, Zhang Jining, Huang Yi, Yang Lijuan
    2004, 20(2): 105-108.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic simulation of the rice-seedling feeding mechanism of paddy seedling pneumatic throwing transplanter
    Wang Yuxing, Luo Xiwen, Tang Yanqin, Chen Juntao
    2004, 20(2): 109-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Analytical method for calculating diameter and height of spray dryer
    Ruan Qi, Li Ling, Ye Changshen, Huang Shihuang
    2004, 20(2): 113-117.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution characteristics of fog droplets from air-cooling fan
    Dong Hongmin, Zhu Zhiping, Tao Xiuping, Zhao Liang, Yan Herong
    2004, 20(2): 118-121.
    Abstract PDF
    Automatic 3D solid modeling of axial flow pump
    Wang Haisong, Wang Fujun, Yan Haijun, Zhang Zhimin, Liu Zigui, Wang Guoyu
    2004, 20(2): 122-125.
    Abstract PDF
    Curve fairing for parts of agricultural machinery using B-spline based on the energy methodology
    Wang Kanchang, Wang Yulin, Wang Naixin
    2004, 20(2): 126-128.
    Abstract PDF
    Corn rootstalk and residue cutting mechanism of no-tillage planter
    Jiang Jinlin, Gao Huanwen
    2004, 20(2): 129-131.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on mixing performance of the twin-shaft paddle rotating mixer
    Ren Guangyue, Wang Hongying, Yu Qinglong, Li Junguo, Niu Libin
    2004, 20(2): 132-135.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and development of precision seeding intelligent monitor
    Zhang Xizhi, Li Min, Meng Chen
    2004, 20(2): 136-139.
    Abstract PDF
    Development platform for agricultural intelligent system based on techno-componentware model
    Zhao Chunjiang, Wu Huarui, Yang Baozhu, Sun Xiang, Wang Jihua, Gu Jingqiu
    2004, 20(2): 140-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Methodology for nondestructive inspection of citrus maturity with machine vision
    Ying Yibin, Rao Xiuqin, Ma Junfu
    2004, 20(2): 144-147.
    Abstract PDF
    Multidirectional high speed imaging system for fruit sorting
    Guo Feng, Cao Qinxin, Zhou Jinliang, Zhu Weihua
    2004, 20(2): 148-151.
    Abstract PDF
    Decision making method for variable-rate fertilization based on data envelopment analysis and artificial neural network
    Ma Chenglin, Wu Caicong, Zhang Shuhui, Yang Yinsheng, Li Hongwei, Han Yunxia
    2004, 20(2): 152-155.
    Abstract PDF
    Three-dimensional geometrical modeling of the exterior configuration of a cattle hoof by reverse engineering technology
    Li Shiwu, Tong Jin, Zhang Shujun, Chen Bingcong
    2004, 20(2): 156-160.
    Abstract PDF
    Segmentation of fat and lean meat in beef images based on fuzzy C-means clustering
    Liu Muhua, Zhao Jiewen, Zhang Haidong
    2004, 20(2): 161-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Linear features extraction and measurement in cotton area estimation using Landsat TM image in Northwest China
    Cao Weibin, Yang Bangjie, Song Jinpeng
    2004, 20(2): 164-167.
    Abstract PDF
    Analyses of measurement precision of GPS for agricultural purposes and method for improving precision
    He Yong, Ge Xiaofeng, Yu Haihong, Fang Hui
    2004, 20(2): 168-171.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology of re-baking of tobacco leaf and development of its automatic control system
    Xia Xin′en
    2004, 20(2): 172-176.
    Abstract PDF
    Correlative analysis of the superweak bioluminescence intensity and fresh degree of eggs
    Zhao Hongxia, Zhang Shouqin, Zhou Fengkun, Jiang Yiqun
    2004, 20(2): 177-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Drying law and technology optimization of pumpkin slice dried by microwave
    Xiong Yongsen, Wang Jun, Wang Jinshuang
    2004, 20(2): 181-184.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of ultrafiltration on antioxidants and total antioxidant activity in blood orange juice
    Su Xuesu, Jiao Bining, Chen Zongdao
    2004, 20(2): 185-188.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the electroosmotic dewatering in soybean products processing
    Sun Rui, Xue Yanli, Li Lite, Eizo Tatsumi
    2004, 20(2): 189-192.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation and analysis of the rice taste value of the post-drying paddy rice
    Zheng Xianzhe
    2004, 20(2): 193-195.
    Abstract PDF
    Sterilizing technology for the hairtail soft can using hurdle technology
    Chen Lijiao, Zheng Mingfeng
    2004, 20(2): 196-198.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of post-harvest heat treatment on optimal control for respiration of tomato fruit
    Tu Kang, T. Morimoto, Y. Hashimoto
    2004, 20(2): 199-203.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of condition for extracting astaxanthin from phaffia rhodozyma
    Ni Hui, He Guoqing, Yang Yuanfan, Wu Guangbing, Chen Shenru, Chai Liansheng
    2004, 20(2): 204-208.
    Abstract PDF
    Compositive extraction of rapeseed cake
    Yan Fengwei, Wu Moucheng, Jiang Hong, Wu Jiqin
    2004, 20(2): 209-212.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology of vinegar production with damaged or defective Chinese jujube through fermentation
    Zhang Baoshan, Chen Jinping, Li Dongmei
    2004, 20(2): 213-216.
    Abstract PDF
    Rotting mechanism of Chinese Chestnut stored in sand
    Tan Zhenglin, Wang Qingzhang, Peng Guanghua, Tan Yanbao
    2004, 20(2): 217-219.
    Abstract PDF
    Behaviour of weaning piglets under intensive farm environment
    Shi Zhengxiang, Li Baoming, Zhang Xiaoying, Zhou Daolei
    2004, 20(2): 220-225.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology and performance of a recirculation purified water intensive fish culture system using fluidized bed biofilter
    Zhan Peirong, Liu Wei, Cao Guangbin, Lu Ling, Qiu Lingquan, Li Jianxing
    2004, 20(2): 226-230.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology of submerged culture of Grifola frondosa and its influence factors
    Du Wei, Hua Zezhao
    2004, 20(2): 231-234.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation and analysis of micro-climate of gutter connected Venlo greenhouse during rainy season in Jianghuai region of China using BP neural network
    Wang Xiaochan, Ding Weimin, Luo Weihong, Dai Jianfeng
    2004, 20(2): 235-238.
    Abstract PDF
    Development and application of equipment for cleaning snow on greenhouse roof
    Zhou Zengchan, Long Zhiqiang, Li Xiugang, Wang Gang, Tian Zhen
    2004, 20(2): 239-241.
    Abstract PDF
    Review on physical properties and forming mechanisms of biomass briquettes
    Sheng Kuichuan, Wu Jie
    2004, 20(2): 242-245.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on bio-oil production from biomass of some agricultural and forestry residues
    Wang Shurong, Luo Zhongyang, Dong Liangjie, Fang Mengxiang, Cen Kefa
    2004, 20(2): 246-249.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization production model of agricultural ecosystem in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in Northeast China
    Chen Yuxiang, Zhou Daowei, Zhang Yufen
    2004, 20(2): 250-254.
    Abstract PDF
    Land use pattern and technique characterized as eco economic type in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of Bashang areas of Hebei Province
    Sun Xinzhang, Zhang Lifeng, Zhang Xinmin, Cheng Shengkui
    2004, 20(2): 255-258.
    Abstract PDF
    GIS-based decision support system of returning cultivated lands into grasslands
    Sun Juan, Jiang Wenlan, Chen Quangong, Qin Laishou, Wang Jiayi
    2004, 20(2): 259-263.
    Abstract PDF
    Method for land resources monitoring by remote sensing data on large-scale
    You Shucheng, Liu Shunxi
    2004, 20(2): 264-266.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances of intelligent control algorithm of greenhouse environment in China
    Li Yingxia, Du Shangfeng
    2004, 20(2): 267-272.
    Abstract PDF
    Present situation and development of mobile harvesting robot
    Fang Jianjun
    2004, 20(2): 273-278.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances in the application of computer-vision to plant growth monitoring
    Lin Kaiyan, Xu Lihong, Wu Junhui
    2004, 20(2): 279-283.
    Abstract PDF
    Application and development of edible coatings for fruits and vegetables
    Wang Xin, Li Jianqiao, Ren Luquan
    2004, 20(2): 284-287.
    Abstract PDF
    Development trend of agricultural products deep processing technologies and counterneasures in the 21st century
    Liao Chuanhua, Zhu Tingfeng, Huang Zhenren
    2004, 20(2): 288-291.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and application of electronic nose and electronic tongue in food inspection
    Wang Jun, Hu Guixian, Yu Yong, Zhou Yibin
    2004, 20(2): 292-295.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil and water conservation measures and their benefits in runoff and sediment reductions
    Yuan Xiping, Lei Tingwu
    2004, 20(2): 296-300.
    Abstract PDF
    Models of rainwater harvesting system and their benefit evaluation in semi-arid areas
    Huang Zhanbin, Cheng Jimin, Zhao Shiwei, Xin Xiaogui, Liu Xuejun
    2004, 20(2): 301-304.
    Abstract PDF