    Models for volatilization characteristics of biomass flash pyrolysis
    Li Zhihe, Yi Weiming, Xiu Shuangning, Bai Xueyuan, Li Yongjun
    2005, 21(10): 1-4.
    Abstract PDF
    Canopy spectral reflectance in relation to the leaf cellulose contents at different vertical layers of maize plants
    Jiang Hairong, Wang Jihua, Xie Ruizhi, Huang Wenjiang, Tan Changwei, Zhou Shunli
    2005, 21(10): 5-8.
    Abstract PDF
    A suitable analysis method for nonlinear and non-stationary signal
    Jia Jide, Chen Jian, Qiu Feng
    2005, 21(10): 9-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Theoretical study on variable-rate sprinklers for high uniformity precision irrigation
    Han Wenting, Wu Pute, Feng Hao, Yang Qing
    2005, 21(10): 13-16.
    Abstract PDF
    Precision irrigation system based on fuzzy control
    Jiang Ming, Chen Qigong, Yan Xingfang
    2005, 21(10): 17-20.
    Abstract PDF
    Diversity of water use efficiency of various maize varieties
    Yang Tao, Liang Zongsuo, Xue Jiquan, Kang Shaozhong
    2005, 21(10): 21-25.
    Abstract PDF
    Stochastic characters of reference evapotranspiration and precipitation of Xiaohe Irrigation Areas, Shanxi Province
    Tian Junwu, Shang Songhao, Sun Liyan, Wen Shouguang
    2005, 21(10): 26-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the guarantee degree of irrigation water resources and its spatial difference in Northeast China
    Gan Hong, Liu Yansui
    2005, 21(10): 31-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and realization of GIS model for hydrological cycle of a small watershed on the loess plateau
    Wen Bin, Shao Ming′an
    2005, 21(10): 36-40.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation experiment design and verification of controlling water erosion on small watershed of loess plateau
    Gao Jian′en, Wu Pute, Niu Wenquan, Feng Hao, Fan Henghui, Yang Shiwei
    2005, 21(10): 41-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil erosion estimation of the upriver areas of Miyun Reservoir located on the Chaobai River using remote sensing and GIS
    Zhou Weifeng, Wu Bingfang
    2005, 21(10): 46-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of peat on water conserving properties of sandy soil
    Qin Ling, Wei Qinping, Li Jiarui, Wang Xiaowei, Liu Jun
    2005, 21(10): 51-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of soil nutrient situation under different cultivated land use types
    Zhao Gengxing, Li Xiujuan, Li Tao, Yue Yude, Zhang Ruyong
    2005, 21(10): 55-58.
    Abstract PDF
    Research of soil quality based on 3S in the Yellow River delta
    Li Xinju, Hu Zhenqi, Liu Ning, Yu Kaiqin, Ma Xiaoyou
    2005, 21(10): 59-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial pattern change of land use in Tunliu county, Shanxi Province based on GIS and fractal theory
    Yu Wanjun, Wu Cifang, Guan Tao, Li Xuemin, Sun Taisen
    2005, 21(10): 64-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Method for comprehensive benefit evaluation of land consolidation
    Wang Wei, Yang Xiaodong, Zeng Hui, Wang Lei
    2005, 21(10): 70-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Environmental impact assessment of rural land consolidation in China
    Fan Jinmei, Wang Lei, Chen Yuan, Zhang Haifeng
    2005, 21(10): 74-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Spray drift potential evaluation of typical nozzles under wind tunnel conditions
    Zeng Aijun, He Xiongkui, Chen Qingyun, Liu Yajia
    2005, 21(10): 78-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Automatic reversing motion of a tractor-trailer vehicle
    Chen Jun, Torisu Ryo, Takeda Jun-ichi
    2005, 21(10): 82-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of turbulent flow in the impeller of bittern transfer pump
    Yang Minguan, Jia Weidong, Zhou Hongbin, Guo Xiaomei
    2005, 21(10): 86-89.
    Abstract PDF
    Winter wheat yield estimation based on MODIS EVI
    Wang Changyao, Lin Wenpeng
    2005, 21(10): 90-94.
    Abstract PDF
    Neural network model for profile modeling spray of chemical to fruit trees and its applications
    Lin Huiqiang, Xiao Lei, Liu Caixing, Hong Tiansheng
    2005, 21(10): 95-99.
    Abstract PDF
    Vibration generated by the abrasion of the hammer slice in feed-grinder based on virtual prototype technology
    Du Xiaoqiang, Zong Li, Liao Qingxi
    2005, 21(10): 100-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Temperature control of electric heating dryers based on an analog orthogonal neural network
    Ye Jun
    2005, 21(10): 105-108.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of a distributed data acquisition and spatial decision making system for precision agriculture
    Qiu Huanguang, Deng Xiangzheng, Zhan Jinyan, Guo Zhaocheng
    2005, 21(10): 109-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of starch adhesive on nutrient release of organic compound granulated fertilizer
    Li Yanming, Li Guoxue, Wang Lili, Li Haoyu, Wang Xue
    2005, 21(10): 113-117.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and realization of solution to precision feeding of dairy cattle based on single body status
    Xiong Benhai, Qian Ping, Luo Qingyao, Lü Jianqiang
    2005, 21(10): 118-123.
    Abstract PDF
    Case analysis of crop straw gasification use technology and commercialization operation
    Chen Baiming, Zhang Zhengfeng, Chen Anning
    2005, 21(10): 124-128.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of soil surface mulching on cucumber production and water use efficiency in solar greenhouse
    Zhai Sheng, Wang Juyuan, Liang Yinli
    2005, 21(10): 129-133.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of ventilation rate on vegetable waste and flower straw co-composting
    Zhang Xiangfeng, Wang Hongtao, Nie Yongfeng
    2005, 21(10): 134-137.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative evaluation of meat tenderness by penetration method of Texture Analyzer
    Ding Wu, Kou Liping, Zhang Jing, Song Sheguo
    2005, 21(10): 138-141.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of time-temperature indicator to predict shelf life of milk
    Gu Xuelian, Du Wei, Hua Zezhao, Liu Yanchen
    2005, 21(10): 142-146.
    Abstract PDF
    Isolation of tea polysaccharides by D315 resin
    Wang Yuanfeng, Jin Zhengyu
    2005, 21(10): 147-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental research on drying characteristics of pineapple leaf fiber
    Wang Jinli, Deng Yiguo, Huang Hui
    2005, 21(10): 151-154.
    Abstract PDF
    Trend and causes of water requirement of main crops in North China in recent 50 years
    Liu Xiaoying, Li Yuzhong, Hao Weiping
    2005, 21(10): 155-159.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of research notes published in scientific scholarly journals and their writing norms
    Wang Yingkuan
    2005, 21(10): 160-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Laboratory applications of an automated measuring system for soil erosion and runoff processes in small watershed
    Gao Peiling, Lei Tingwu, Shao Ming′an, Zhao Jun, Yang Chao, Qu Liqin, Yan Lijuan
    2005, 21(10): 164-166.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of dripper discharge and spacing on growth of cucumber in Chinese solar greenhouse under drip irrigation
    Wang Shu, Li Guangyong, Meng Guoxia, Jia Yunmao, Wang Zhansheng, Qiu Jiangquan, Duan Shuqiang
    2005, 21(10): 167-170.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of corn straw mulching on soil temperature and soil evaporation of winter wheat field
    Chen Suying, Zhang Xiying, Pei Dong, Sun Hongyong
    2005, 21(10): 171-173.
    Abstract PDF
    Land spatial data organization and expression based on internet
    Zhang Liting, Zhou Shijian, Zhu Guorui
    2005, 21(10): 174-177.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on drying forage seeds by 5HCCX-1.6 recalculating impinging crossflow dryer
    Lü Huangzhen, Liu Dewang, Wang Decheng
    2005, 21(10): 178-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on the series critical point of cross flow and centrifugal fan
    Ding Huiling, Liu Shiduo, Shi Qingxiang, Ni Chang′an, Zhou Xuejian
    2005, 21(10): 181-183.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of FZ-12 solid-liquid separator to the treatment of wastewater for large scale pig farm
    Lin Daiyan, Weng Boqi, Qian Wuqiao
    2005, 21(10): 184-186.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of transportation device for living marine fish
    Zhu Jiankang, Lu Junjie, You Yuanxin, Lin Yan, Qiu Guoquan
    2005, 21(10): 187-189.
    Abstract PDF
    Grey rice quality index and its application in the evaluation of rice quality
    Yang Zhengshui
    2005, 21(10): 190-191.
    Abstract PDF