    Correlation study of biomechanical properties and morphological characteristics of crop stalks
    Liang li, Buo yuming
    2008, 24(7): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of purple soil unsaturated hydraulic properties based on soil water redistribution in laboratory
    Cheng Dongbing, Cai Chongfa
    2008, 24(7): 7-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantifying the effects of leaf nitrogen concentration on the maximum leaf gross photosynthesis rate of greenhouse cucumber under different radiation and temperature conditions after flowering
    Chen Yongshan, Dai Jianfeng, Luo Weihong, Tai Xiang, Han Li, Mi Xiaojie, Ding Qifeng, Bu Chongxing
    2008, 24(7): 13-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of seeds ‘Boiling’ motion on vibrational air-suction tray seeder
    Zhang Shiping, Chen Jin, Li Yaoming
    2008, 24(7): 20-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of mulching sand and gravel size on soil moisture evaporation
    Yuan Cuiping, Zhang Xinping, Lei Tingwu, Liu Han, Li Xin
    2008, 24(7): 25-28.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison and analysis of Hargreaves equation and Penman-Monteith equation during the different hydrological years in the semi-arid region
    Wang Shengfeng, Duan Aiwang, Zhang Zhanyu
    2008, 24(7): 29-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Research of soil testing and fertilizer recommendations at county level by GIS
    Tang Xiumei, Zhao Gengxing, Lu Qingbin
    2008, 24(7): 34-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on rainfall infiltration in sloping farmland of purple soil
    Fu Bin, Wang Yukuan, Zhu Bo, Wang Daojie, Wang Xiantuo, Wang Yongqiang, Ren Yi
    2008, 24(7): 39-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on soil evaporation of different intercropping patterns for maize and soybean
    Gao Yang, Duan Aiwang, Liu Zhugui, Chen Jinping, Wang Hezhou, Liu Zhandong
    2008, 24(7): 44-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Impacts of drip fertilizer irrigation on nitrogen use efficiency and total nitrogen loss load
    Huang Lihua, Shen Genxiang, Qian Xiaoyong, Gu Hairong, Qiu Zhongqi, Massimo Pugliese
    2008, 24(7): 49-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the change trend of agriculture irrigation quota in Nujiang dry-arid valley
    Gu Shixiang, He Daming, Li Yuanhua, Cui Yuanlai, Xie Xianhong
    2008, 24(7): 54-59.
    Abstract PDF
    GIS-based suitability evaluation of uncultivated arable land in Xinjiang Region
    Dai Bing, Gu Xiaokun, Chen Baiming
    2008, 24(7): 60-64.
    Abstract PDF
    Linkage of evaluation index system for cultivated land fertility evaluation in plain and hill regions
    Yuan Xiujie, Zhao Gengxing, Zhu Xuexin
    2008, 24(7): 65-71.
    Abstract PDF
    GIS based connectivity analysis and its applicationin prime farmland protection planning
    Zhou Shangyi, Zhu Axing, Qiu Weili, Liu Feng, Dai Juncheng
    2008, 24(7): 72-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Land evaluation based on Boosting decision tree ensembles
    Xue Yueju, Hu Yueming, Yang Jingfeng, Cheng Qiang
    2008, 24(7): 78-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Agricultural land gradation based on the fuzzy ISODATA clustering method
    Jin Xiaobin, Zhang Honghui, Zhou Yinkang
    2008, 24(7): 82-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Establishment of land use security pattern in Poyang Lake Region
    Chen Wenbo, Zhao Lihong, Qian Qixia
    2008, 24(7): 86-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Methodology for impact assessment of regional cultivated land resources change based on 3S technology
    Shi Shuqin, Cheng Youqi, Yao Yanmin, Li Zhibin, He Yingbin
    2008, 24(7): 91-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Index system for farmland gradation in Jiancaoping district,Taiyuan
    Chen Li, Yan Jinming, Shi Xueyi
    2008, 24(7): 97-101.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil components and fertility improvement of added cultivated land
    Yang Jin, Liu li, Sun Chuanmin, Liu Xianfan
    2008, 24(7): 102-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil quality evaluation of plain land consolidation projects in Tai'an
    Zhang Wenwen, Li Xinju, Chen Lili, Feng Shulin
    2008, 24(7): 106-109.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of agricultural wheeled mobile robot based on autonomous navigation and omnidirectional steering
    Wang Youquan, Zhou Jun, Ji Changying, An Qiu
    2008, 24(7): 110-113.
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of additional crack percentage for paddy rice drying in a deep fixed-bed based on ANFIS
    Wang Danyang, Li Chenghua, Zhang Benhua, Yang Yufen, Tong Ling
    2008, 24(7): 114-118.
    Abstract PDF
    Automatic reseeding monitoring system of seed drill
    Zhang Xiaohui, Zhao Baitong
    2008, 24(7): 119-123.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on power dissipation of corn rootstalk treatment device of no-tillage planter
    Gong Linong, Gao Huanwen, Jiang Jinlin
    2008, 24(7): 124-127.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimating rice yield based on quantitative remote sensing inversion and growth model coupling
    Li Weiguo, Wang Jihua, Zhao Chunjiang, Liu Liangyun, Tong Qingxi
    2008, 24(7): 128-131.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimal policy for read rate in RFID food safety traceability system
    Yu Pingxiang, Wu Yuanmei, Hu Yueming, Chen Liancheng, Wang Lu
    2008, 24(7): 132-136.
    Abstract PDF
    Grading flue-cured tobacco leaf based on artificial brain intelligent system
    Han Liqun, He Wei, Su Weijun, Duan Zhengang
    2008, 24(7): 137-140.
    Abstract PDF
    Intelligent prediction model for rice pests and its application
    Wang Xuan, Lü Jiake, Hu Xiaomei, Xie Deti
    2008, 24(7): 141-145.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and implementation of wireless monitoring and control system for protected environment
    Diao Zhihua, Chen Liping, Wu Gang, Zhao Chunjiang, Wang Jun, Wang Cheng
    2008, 24(7): 146-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Modeling and visualization of three-dimensional soybean root system growth based on growth functions
    Zhong Nan, Lou Xiwen, Qin Qin
    2008, 24(7): 151-154.
    Abstract PDF
    Remote sensed information extracting model based on multiple-objectivedecision support theory: A case study of wetland agriculture
    Lan Zhangren, Zhang Dongshui
    2008, 24(7): 155-159.
    Abstract PDF
    Energy consumption analysis in life cycle of cassava fuel ethanol production and the advantages of the new technology in energy consumption
    Dong Dandan, Zhao Daiqing, Liao Cuiping, Chen Xiansheng, Lin Lin
    2008, 24(7): 160-164.
    Abstract PDF
    Physiological property of postharvest sweet sorghum stalk and its modified atmosphere packaging storage
    Mei Xiaoyan, Liu Ronghou, Shen Fei
    2008, 24(7): 165-170.
    Abstract PDF
    Components and analysis of combustibility and emission behavior of biodiesel from castor oil
    Cheng Guoli, Yang Yunfeng, Wang Biaobin, Hu Guosheng
    2008, 24(7): 171-174.
    Abstract PDF
    Influencing factors in saccharification of corn stover by dilute sulfuric acid hydrolyzing method
    Jiang Tao, Lu Peng, Li Guoxue
    2008, 24(7): 175-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Production of fuel ethanol from sweet sorghum stalks by solid-state fermentation
    Kang Liping, Liu Li, Liu Ping, Hu Jinrong, Sun Junshe
    2008, 24(7): 181-184.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparing fertilizers of amino acid chelate micro element from pig hoof nail and its effect on growth of pakchoi
    Mu Jun, Hu Shibin, Wang Yongke
    2008, 24(7): 185-187.
    Abstract PDF
    Modeling of greenhouse temperature-humid system and model predictive control based on switching system control
    Wang Ziyang, Qin Linlin, Wu Gang, Lü Xutao
    2008, 24(7): 188-192.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of microbial inoculum with high lignocellulose degradation ability on composting process
    Wang Weidong, Wang Xiaofen, Wang Yanjie, Jing Ruiyong, Cui Zongjun
    2008, 24(7): 193-198.
    Abstract PDF
    Biogas production from food waste by two-stage semi-dry-thermophilic anaerobic digestion
    Pan Jinming, Zhang Yu, Zhu Baoning, Ying Yibin
    2008, 24(7): 199-203.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimizing the fermentation conditions for Bacillus sp. combination CL-8 thalli with cooperative and synergistic action and its biocontrol efficacy
    Wu Yan, Tao Jing, Zhao Sifeng, Yan Yujun, Li Hui, Li Chun
    2008, 24(7): 204-208.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of temperature on biogas production efficiency and fermentation time of four manures
    Zhang Cuili, Yang Gaihe, Ren Guanxin, Chu Lili, Feng Yongzhong, Bu Dongsheng
    2008, 24(7): 209-212.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on ultraweak luminescence value of damaged apple
    Dai Wei, Gu Fang, Yue Tianli, Guo Kangquan
    2008, 24(7): 213-216.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different treatments on the post-harvest physiology and cell ultrastructure of kiwifruit
    Ren Yamei, Liu Xinghua, Xu Chunya, Zhang Xiaoping, Yue Tianli
    2008, 24(7): 217-221.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of microwave drying pretreatment on extraction of pectin from apple pomace
    Peng Kai, Zhang Yan, Wang Sijin, Liao Xiaojun, Hu Xiaosong
    2008, 24(7): 222-226.
    Abstract PDF
    Models for micro-filtration of the hydrolysate of steam-exploded wheat straw by xylanase using ceramic membrane
    Zhao Hefei, Yang Ruijin, Xiong Mingmin, Zhao Wei, Sun Zhongguo, Yu Quanfeng
    2008, 24(7): 227-232.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology for combined production of oat bran nutritional powder and dietary fiber
    Chen Jiwang, Tian Xiangdong, Liu Ying, Wang Yuehui, Liu Gang
    2008, 24(7): 233-236.
    Abstract PDF
    Enzymatic silage technology for Tagetes erecta and analysis of enzyme activity in the water-organic solvent coexistence system
    Li Dajing, Liu Chunquan, Fang Guizhen
    2008, 24(7): 237-241.
    Abstract PDF
    Aging mechanism of stored maize and the relationship between its volatile components and quality
    Zhou Xianqing, Zhang Yurong, Zhang Yong
    2008, 24(7): 242-246.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of filming technology of water-soluble PVA film
    Chen Zhizhou, Mou Jianlou, Wang Lin, Chi Jian, Yu Zhibin, Sun Lanfang
    2008, 24(7): 247-250.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of extracting technology of hydrosoluble polysaccharides from peanut meal by alkali
    Ren Chujie, Gao Li, Wang Chengmin, Ren Chujie, Chen Jianfeng
    2008, 24(7): 251-254.
    Abstract PDF
    Control measures of color value in apple juice concentrate
    Zhang Jianxin, Zhang Geng, Yu Qingmou, Xie Yong
    2008, 24(7): 255-259.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology for twice extrusion of instant rice with twin-screw extruder
    Jia Aiquan, Zhuang Haining, Jin Zhengyu, Deng Li
    2008, 24(7): 260-263.
    Abstract PDF
    Methods and mechanism for drying scraps mulberry
    Feng Qian, Wang Guan, Wang Fang
    2008, 24(7): 264-268.
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism of fermentation and antibacterial activity of the ‘Tibetan mushroom’ milk
    Shao Dongyan, Yan Baowei, Shi Junling, Wu Ruiqin, Zhang Xueliang
    2008, 24(7): 269-272.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of ozone water for initial bacteria reduction in bloated crab quality control
    Qiu Dihong, Li Bafang
    2008, 24(7): 273-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation, chemical constituents analysis and antimicrobial activities of pyroligneous acid of walnut shell
    Wei Qin, Ma Xihan, Zheng Tao
    2008, 24(7): 276-279.
    Abstract PDF
    Modeling and moisture diffusion properties of salted silver carp during hot-air drying
    Zeng Lingbin, Zhao Siming, Xiong Shanbai, Guo Xiansong
    2008, 24(7): 280-283.
    Abstract PDF
    Chinese agricultural mechanization efficiency and its regional differences during the Tenth Five-Year Plan
    Zhang Zongyi, Cao Guangqiao
    2008, 24(7): 284-289.
    Abstract PDF
    Research progress in the effects of drying on feeding maize and processing quality
    Xiao Hongwei, Gao Zhenjiang
    2008, 24(7): 290-295.
    Abstract PDF
    Key problems in production and application of straw densification briquetting fuel (SDBF)
    Zhang Bailiang, Wang Xutao, Yang Shiguan
    2008, 24(7): 296-300.
    Abstract PDF
    Research progress of hyperspectral technology applied in agricultural remote sensing
    Yao Yunjun, Qin qiming, Zhang Zili, Li Baishou
    2008, 24(7): 301-306.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress on the research of theory and calculation method of ecological water requirement
    Zhang Li, Li Lijuan, Liang Liqiao, Li Jiuyi, Jiang Dejuan, Xu Mingxing, Song Wenxian
    2008, 24(7): 307-312.
    Abstract PDF