    Water-saving mechanism and efficiency of vertical partial-rootzone alternative controlled drip irrigation of tomato(Lycopersicon Esculentum)
    Hu Xiaotao, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua, Zhang Fucang, Li Zhijun, Zhou Liangchen
    2005, 21(7): 1-5.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of pore profile fractal dimension of soil images and its application
    Guo Fei, Xu Shaohui, Liu Jianli
    2005, 21(7): 6-10.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on mechanical properties of lotus seed
    Xie Lijuan, Zong Li, Li Xiaoyu
    2005, 21(7): 11-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Cause and mechanism of crop yield reduction under straw mulch in dryland
    Gao Yajun, Li Shengxiu
    2005, 21(7): 15-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Impacts of minimum tillage and no-tillage systems on soil NO-3-N content and water use efficiency of winter wheat/summer corn cultivation
    Jiang Xiaodong, Li Zengjia, Hou Liantao, Wang Yun, Wang Xue, Yan Hong
    2005, 21(7): 20-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Multi-crop optimization irrigation model by genetic algorithms of best saving tactics
    Zhang Bing, Yuan Shouqi, Li Hong, Cheng Li, Jiang Huifeng
    2005, 21(7): 25-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on the technology of partial rootzone non-pressure subirrigation applied in greenhouse
    Chen Xinming, Cai Huanjie, Wang Jian, Zhao Weixia
    2005, 21(7): 30-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Self-memory model for predicting groundwater depth series with periodical fluctuation
    Li Rongfeng, Shen Bing, Zhang Jinkai
    2005, 21(7): 34-37.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of potential and sustainable utilization of rainwater resources in small watershed
    Zhao Xining, Wu Pute, Feng Hao, Wang Wanzhong
    2005, 21(7): 38-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Indoor experiment of characteristics of runoff erosion in loess steep slope
    Li Peng, Li Zhanbin, Zheng Liangyong
    2005, 21(7): 42-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of sustainable land use in the region with high risk of the flood and waterlogging in the Dongting Lake
    Mao Dehua, Xia Jun, Wang Lihui, Tang Zhongwang
    2005, 21(7): 46-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Ecological reconstruction of derelict mined-land in conservation areas of prime farmland
    Gao Xiangjun, Luo Ming, Long Hualou
    2005, 21(7): 52-55.
    Abstract PDF
    Debris flow hazard mapping and land use planning
    Dongye Guangliang, Wang Linlin, Liu Hongyi, Li Chuanrong
    2005, 21(7): 56-60.
    Abstract PDF
    Topographic differentiation simulation of crop yield based on WIN-YIELD software in the loess hilly-gully region
    Xu Yong, Gan Guohui, Wang Zhiqiang
    2005, 21(7): 61-64.
    Abstract PDF
    Seed vibration performance of vibrational air-sucking seeder with air-style vibrator
    Zhao Lixin, Zheng Liyun, Liu Zhimin, Ren Jianhua
    2005, 21(7): 65-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Calculation of axial force balance for high-speed magnetic drive pump
    Kong Fanyu, Liu Jianrui, Shi Weidong, Liu Houlin, Chen Gang
    2005, 21(7): 69-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Extended forward step method for hydraulic analysis of pipeline sprinkler irrigation system
    Zhao Fengjiao, Wang Fujun
    2005, 21(7): 73-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on the emission characteristics of bio-diesel fuel
    Wang Zhong, Yuan Yingnan, Li Baolu, Mei Deqing, Sun Ping
    2005, 21(7): 77-80.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on conservative tillage technology of complete cornstalk cover by mechanization and furrow sowing beside film mulching
    Xue Shaoping, Yang Qing, Zhu Ruixiang, Wang Huquan, Yao Wansheng
    2005, 21(7): 81-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Yield gap estimation by combining remote sensing and crop growth model
    Wang Chunzhi, Yu Zhenrong, Xin Jingfeng, Driessen P.M, Liu Yunhui
    2005, 21(7): 84-89.
    Abstract PDF
    BP neural network analysis of dry sliding friction and wear of UHMWPE composites
    Ma Yunhai, Yan Jiulin, Tong Jin
    2005, 21(7): 90-93.
    Abstract PDF
    GIS based high-quality wheat variable rate fertilizing information system
    Su Wei, Nie Yimin, Yu Zhenwen, Li Jing, Chen Yunhao
    2005, 21(7): 94-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of near infrared spectroscopy of beer alcohol content by correlation coefficients and genetic algorithms
    Chen Bin, Wang Hao, Lin Song, Zhao Jiewen
    2005, 21(7): 99-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Embedded USB host computer interface applied in the greenhouse environment monitoring and controlling system
    Wang Cheng, Qiao Xiaojun, Wang Jihua, Xin Bensheng
    2005, 21(7): 103-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Start-up of anammox reactor and evolvement of bacterial colonies
    Hu Baolan, Zheng Ping, Hu Anhui, Zhou Shangxing, Ding Gesheng
    2005, 21(7): 107-110.
    Abstract PDF
    Underground unpowered anaerobic reactor for rural domestic sewage treatment
    Shen Dongsheng, He Yonghua, Feng Huajun, Zhou Xuhui
    2005, 21(7): 111-115.
    Abstract PDF
    Response of stem diameter of vegetable crops to soil moisture in greenhouse
    Lei Shuiling, Sun Zhongfu, Lei Tingwu
    2005, 21(7): 116-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of chemical additives on the residual amount of heavy metals in soil and asparagus lettuce
    Chen Hong, Chen Yucheng, Yang Xuechun
    2005, 21(7): 120-123.
    Abstract PDF
    Influences of different water and nitrogen supplies on soil biological environment in solar greenhouse
    Mi Guoquan, Yuan Liping, Gong Yuanshi, Zhang Fuman, Ren Huazhong
    2005, 21(7): 124-127.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of the monitoring system for quality and safety of industrialized hog production
    Xie Jufang, Lu Changhua, Li Baoming, Wang Lifang
    2005, 21(7): 128-131.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and effect analysis of the gradient temperature cold store for fruit and vegetable preservation
    Hu Yunfeng, Li Xihong, Zhu Zhiqiang, Yu Jinze
    2005, 21(7): 132-135.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between electrical properties and physiological properties of postharvest apples and its application
    Guo Wenchuan, Zhu Xinhua, Guo Kangquan
    2005, 21(7): 136-139.
    Abstract PDF
    Processing technology for purifying casein made from Yak"Qula"
    Yu Qunli, Gan Bozhong, Min Wenxiang, Hou Xiaodong
    2005, 21(7): 140-144.
    Abstract PDF
    Rheological properties of low consistency chemical pulp of bagasse
    Qiu Renhui, Huang Zutai, Wang Keqi
    2005, 21(7): 145-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Combination of hot water with or without vitamin C treatment to control browning of sweet cherry fruit(Prunus avium L.)
    Liu Zunying, Zeng Mingyong, Dong Shiyuan, Du Yanan
    2005, 21(7): 149-152.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary study on effects of environmental factors on respiratory rates of Agaricus bisporus in modified atmosphere packaging
    Lei Qiao, Zhou Yingyue, Xu Wenda
    2005, 21(7): 153-157.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology for sour soymilk from leaching of Tremella fuciformims Berk added to non-odor soybean
    Cui Ruijing, Zhang Meishen, Liu Shaojun, Liu Xiufeng
    2005, 21(7): 158-161.
    Abstract PDF
    Review of the regional evapotranspiration estimation using remote sensing
    Wang Yajuan, Sun Danfeng
    2005, 21(7): 162-167.
    Abstract PDF
    Review of traceability system for domestic animals and livestock products
    Wang Lifang, Lu Changhua, Xie Jufang, Hu Yinong
    2005, 21(7): 168-174.
    Abstract PDF
    Research advances in theories for modified atmosphere packaging of fruits and vegetables
    Lu Lixin
    2005, 21(7): 175-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Construction and development of agricultural information website based on WAP
    Wang Zhiqiang, Gan Guohui
    2005, 21(7): 181-183.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and development of the auto-control system for artificial rainfall simulation
    Guo Minghang, Zhao Jun, Wang Sun′an, Guo Yonghong
    2005, 21(7): 184-186.
    Abstract PDF
    Calculational method for cell compressive force on plant single cell
    Gao Yongyi, Jiao Qunying, Tang Guo, Wang Rong
    2005, 21(7): 187-189.
    Abstract PDF
    Water extraction of flavonoids in loquat leaves
    Lin Qixun
    2005, 21(7): 190-193.
    Abstract PDF