    Thinking Deeply on Agricultural Engineering Education Facing to 21st Centry
    Luo Xi-wen, Chen Yu-bai, Qin Chang-xuan
    1997, 13(1): 1-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Analyses and Discussions on Education Reform on Agricultural Engineering
    Zhang Wen-li
    1997, 13(1): 7-11.
    Abstract PDF
    The Systematized Whole-Process Education of the Technical Abilities for Undergraduates in Agricultural Engineering Specialities
    Liu Bin-rang, Yang Qing
    1997, 13(1): 12-15.
    Abstract PDF
    The Structure Design of a National Crop Condition Monitoring System
    Yang Bang-jie, Lu Deng-huai, Pei Zhi-yuan, Zhao Han-jie, Wu Yan-yao
    1997, 13(1): 16-19.
    Abstract PDF
    The Design and Implementation of the National Agricultural Resources Database
    Lu Deng-huai
    1997, 13(1): 20-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Concentration on Polarization Rule of the Water Film Between Soil and Metal Interface
    Shi Yao-wu, Ren Lu-quan, Li Jian-qiao, Wang Xin
    1997, 13(1): 25-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Bending Induced Fracture of Plastic Soils
    Ou Ying-gang, Godwin R.J.
    1997, 13(1): 30-34.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Coefficient of Dynamic Friction Between Frictional Metal Material
    Wang Guo-qiang, Ma Ruo-ding, Liu Ju-yuan, Liu Shu-xiang
    1997, 13(1): 35-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on the Self Excited Vibration in Wheeled Vehicle Powertrain(Part Ⅲ) ——Stability Analysis of the Self Excited Vibration System
    Zheng Lian-zhu, Zhang You-kun, Li Jun-ming, Ge Jian-min
    1997, 13(1): 39-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on the Self Excited Vibration in Wheeled Vehicle Powertrain(Part Ⅳ)──Analysis of Factors Influencing Vehicle Stability and Measures to Control the Self Excited Vibration
    Jia Jian-zhang, Wang Deng-feng, Wang Zhi-zhong
    1997, 13(1): 45-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Rice (Wheat) Combine Harvester With Cutting and Windrowing the Straw Immediately After Stripping
    Jiang Yi-yuan, Xu Jia-mei, Tu Chen-hai, Zhang Hui-you, Jiang En-chen, Luo Pei-zhen, Li Tai-shan, Ma Yu-cai, Qu Jian-dong
    1997, 13(1): 51-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Adsorption Effect Core Function of Stripping Rotor With Triangle Plate Teeth
    Jiang Yi-yuan
    1997, 13(1): 57-62.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Assembly Machine of Sowing,Spraying and Film Covering for Cotton
    Xu Qi-chuan, Liu Qing-sheng, Wu Yi-ming, Ye Jun
    1997, 13(1): 63-67.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment Research on the Tractor Draught Control System and Discussion on the Judging Target System
    Dong Xiu-lin, Shi Wei-xiang, Zhou Fu-zhang, Dong Guo-hui
    1997, 13(1): 68-71.
    Abstract PDF
    The Multi Parameter Test of Dozer on the Working Spot The first paper of series “load spectrum study and development of dozer”
    Liu Shu-xue, Cheng Kai, Yu Gong-rui, Huang Kui-ying
    1997, 13(1): 72-75.
    Abstract PDF
    Test and Analysis of Outer Load on Dozer The second paper of series “Load spectrum study and development of dozer”
    Cheng Kai, Yang Yong-hai, Huang Kui-ying, Yu Gong-rui, Liu Shu-xue
    1997, 13(1): 76-79.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic Display of the Overturning Stability of Multi-tracked Machine Using Vector Computation
    Yang Guang, Zhao Ding-xuan, Wang Guo-qiang, Cheng Yue-sun
    1997, 13(1): 80-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Theoretic Research on Fixing the Synchronous Adhesion Coefficient of Farm Transport Vehicle
    Xiao Ding-shou, Zhou Guo-yu
    1997, 13(1): 84-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Small Self Propelled Rotary Cultivator Used in Plastic Shed
    Ying Yi-bin, Jiang Huan-yu, Cheng Fang
    1997, 13(1): 88-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Vibration Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of Water Pump Unit
    Chen Xian-yuan, Chen Ren-fu, Li Xi-wen
    1997, 13(1): 92-96.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on a New Tube Diffuser
    Li Zhen-an, Graham Sugget
    1997, 13(1): 97-100.
    Abstract PDF
    The Conditions and Development Measures of Hydrology and Water Resources for Comprehensive Development of Agriculture in Huang Huai Hai Plain
    Wu Kai, Xie Ming
    1997, 13(1): 101-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil Cover With Organic Mulch and Its Influences on Soil Physical Parameters (Ⅰ)——Soil Moisture Content Under Organic Mulch
    Li Cheng-hua, Ma Cheng-lin
    1997, 13(1): 107-111.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Regression Isogram to Dynamic Analysis of Soil Moisture Variations With Time and Space
    Zhou Nai-jian, Wang Zhi-ya, Hao Jiu-qing
    1997, 13(1): 112-115.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on Efficiency of a Multi stage Lift Irrigation
    Li Qing-dong, He Pei-xiang
    1997, 13(1): 116-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Summary and Assessment of the Experimental Installations of Crop CO2 Environmental Simulation
    Wang Xiu-lan
    1997, 13(1): 120-125.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Artifical Ultraviolet Irradiation in Poultry Farm
    You Xiao-jie, Yang Cun-bao
    1997, 13(1): 126-129.
    Abstract PDF
    Light and Temperature Environment in PO and PVC Greeenhouses and Its Relationship With Condensation on the Films
    Chen Qing-yun, Yoshinobu harazono, Mayumi Yoshimoto
    1997, 13(1): 130-134.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Uncomposed Corn Straw on Improvement of Soil With Contineous Cropping in Plastic House
    Song Shu-yao
    1997, 13(1): 135-140.
    Abstract PDF
    The Effect of Spraying Znic and Idoine on the Accumulation of Znic and Idoine,Yield and the Quality of Chinese Cabbage
    Zhang Heng, Li Lian-qing, Li Zhi-hong
    1997, 13(1): 141-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Evaluation Indicatrix System of Susta inable Development Capability of Rural Energy
    Shi De-ming, Fang Fang, Wang Hai, Wang Ge-hua
    1997, 13(1): 144-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment Study on Biomass Pyrolysis of Agricultural and Wood Wastes
    Sheng Kui-chuan, Jiang Cheng-qiu, Zhong Jian-li
    1997, 13(1): 149-152.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of the Service Information Management System of Agricultural Transport Vehicle
    Cao Zheng-qing, Shi Shuang-rong, Yan Yong
    1997, 13(1): 153-156.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Computers to the Production and Management of a 200 000 —Layer Farm
    Lu Chang-hua
    1997, 13(1): 157-159.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Computer Aided Management System of Documents for Agricultural Machinery Accident
    Zhang Wen-chang, Sun Yu-sheng, Su Jing-yuan, Xu Zhong-ling, Yang Yun-feng
    1997, 13(1): 160-163.
    Abstract PDF
    Investigation of Adaptive Spark Timing Control System for Gasoline Engine
    He Pei-xiang, Li Qing-dong, Zhang Lang-xuan
    1997, 13(1): 164-167.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of High Pressure on the Minicrystal of Maize Starch
    Zhang Shou-qin, Ma Cheng-lin, Zuo Chun-cheng, Wang Li-hong
    1997, 13(1): 168-171.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of High Pressure on Gelatinization Degree of Maize Starch
    Ma Cheng-lin, Zuo Chun-cheng, Zhang Shou-qin, Wang Li-hong
    1997, 13(1): 172-176.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Approach About Maize Starch Gelatinization Dynamics Under High Pressure
    Zuo Chun-cheng, Zhang Shou-qin, Ma Cheng-lin, Wang Li-hong
    1997, 13(1): 177-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Fast Determiner of Material Drying Curve
    Li Wei-qing, He Pei-xiang, Li Qing-dong
    1997, 13(1): 181-184.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment and Research on Conical Paddy Rice Separator
    Jiang Song, Chen Yuan-sheng, Wu Shou-yi
    1997, 13(1): 185-189.
    Abstract PDF
    Inactivation of Bacterial Spores Treated by High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field
    Yin Yong-guang, Yin Jin-jie, Sun Dong-sheng
    1997, 13(1): 190-193.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Rheological Behaviour for Minced Fish in Extrusion
    Zhao Jie-wen, Zhang Shi-fang, Chai Chun-xiang, Qiu Bai-jing
    1997, 13(1): 194-197.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Preconcentrating of Physiologically Active Substances From Fish Oil by Urea Clathration
    Li Guo-wen, Qiu Rong
    1997, 13(1): 198-201.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment Research on the Dielectric Properties of Peaches Using the Nondestructive Measurement Method
    Xu Fang, Zhang Li-bin, Zhou Guo-jun, Jia Can-chun, Luigi Ragni, Gennaro Vassalini
    1997, 13(1): 202-205.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Optimum Cool Storage Temperature for Huanghua Pear Fruits
    Lin He-tong, Hong Qi-zheng, Yuan Zhen-lin, Cai Jian-yuan
    1997, 13(1): 206-210.
    Abstract PDF
    Mathematics Models of Heated Air Drying for Artificial Rice
    Zhao Si-ming, Xiong Shan-bai, Zhang Ren-jun, Sun Zi-lun
    1997, 13(1): 211-215.
    Abstract PDF
    Testing Study on Measuring of Moisture Content of Grain With Its Friction
    Liu Qing-guo, Xing Zuo-qun, Wang Jian, Xing Bo-lin
    1997, 13(1): 216-219.
    Abstract PDF