    Graphical Presentation and Their Characteristics of the Coupled Zones for Optimal Supplies of Water and Nutrients to Crops
    Liu Wenzhao, Li Yushan, Li Shengxiu
    2002, 18(6): 1-3.
    Abstract PDF
    One-Dimensional Water and Salt Transport Induced by Temperature Gradient
    Li Yi, Wang Wenyan, Wang Quanjiu, Shao Mingan, Zhang Jianfeng, Lai Jianbin
    2002, 18(6): 4-8.
    Abstract PDF
    Modeling Rice Evapotranspiration with Partial Least-Squares Regression
    Fu Qiang, Wang Zhiliang, Liang Chuan
    2002, 18(6): 9-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Winter Wheat Water Stress Detection Based on Canopy Surface Temperature
    Yuan Guofu, Luo Yi, Sun Xiaomin, Tang Dengyin
    2002, 18(6): 13-17.
    Abstract PDF
    Unsteady Flow During Regulating Gate in Irrigation Canal
    Lü Hongxing, Song Songbai, Ma Xiaoyi, Zhang Chunjuan, Yu Guo′an
    2002, 18(6): 18-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental Study on Critical Water Depth for Air Intake at Pipeline Inlet
    Gong Shihong, Naka Tatsuo, Tanaka Yoshikazu, Shima Takeo
    2002, 18(6): 23-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Model of Mineralized Groundwater Supply and Its Experimental Verification
    Liu Guangming, Yang Jingsong
    2002, 18(6): 27-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Crop-Stem Lodging Resistance
    Yuan Zhihua, Feng Baoping, Zhao Anqing, Liang aiqin
    2002, 18(6): 30-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Impact Characteristics of Huanghua Pear
    Wang Jianping, Wang Jun, Chen Shanfeng, Lu Qiujun
    2002, 18(6): 32-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Index System for Irrigation Scheduling of Winter Wheater and Maize in the Piedmont of Mountain Taihang
    Zhang Xiying, Pei Dong, Hu Chunsheng
    2002, 18(6): 36-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Field Evaluation of Sprinkler Efficiency Under Arid Conditions
    Li Jiusheng, Rao Minjie, Zhang Jianjun
    2002, 18(6): 42-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Spacial Coupling Between Irrigation Water and Fertilizer on Corn in Semiarid Area
    Xing Weiqin, Wang Linquan, Luo Yongming, Li Liping, Li Shengxiu
    2002, 18(6): 46-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of Advanced Productivity in Dryland Farming of the Loess Plateau on Soil Water Cycle
    Huang Mingbin, Dang Tinghui, Li Yushan
    2002, 18(6): 50-54.
    Abstract PDF
    Crop Coefficients of Spring Wheat in Windy Dust Area
    Sun Jingsheng, Liu Zugui, Zhang Jiyang, Duan Aiwang
    2002, 18(6): 55-58.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment Research on the Effect of Surface PAM Coverage on Erosion Soil Critical Shear Stresses of Slope Cultivated Land by Rainfall
    Liu Jigen, Lei Tingwu
    2002, 18(6): 59-62.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Tillage Erosion on Soil Nutrients in Loess Sloping Land of China
    Wang Zhanli, Shao Ming′an
    2002, 18(6): 63-67.
    Abstract PDF
    Irrigation with Rainfall Harvesting for Spring Wheat with Plastic-Film Mulching in Semi-arid Areas
    Zhang Yuanpei, Zhang Yiming, Zhou Huicheng
    2002, 18(6): 68-70.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of Straw and Plastic-Film Mulching on Sustainable Production of Farmland
    Xue Shaoping, Zhu Lin, Yao Wansheng, Han Wenting
    2002, 18(6): 71-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of the Centrifugal Permanent-Magnet Direct-Current Generator in Farm Transport Vehicles
    Zhang Xueyi, Gao Mingling, Kang Baojiang, Geng Songliang, Shi Liwei, Bai Ying
    2002, 18(6): 74-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Application Research of Continuous Wavelet Transform in Wear Estimation of Gears
    Yang Zhengmin, Zhu Zhongkui, Kong Fanrang
    2002, 18(6): 77-80.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental Research on Cleaning Shoe with Circular Vibrating Sieve
    Yin Wenqing, H. D. Kutzbach, P. Wacker
    2002, 18(6): 81-83.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on 2ZB-8 Electromagnetic Vibration Minitype Rice Seedling Transplanter
    Yang Jian, Yang Chaosheng, Chen Zhaoyao, Huang Yiqi
    2002, 18(6): 84-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and Design on Loosening Shovel of Polythene Film Collector
    Lou Xiuhua, Zhang Dongxing, Gen Duanyang, Ji Yingfen
    2002, 18(6): 88-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Improved AHP Method in the Evaluation of Agricultural Transportation Tractor Synthesis Capability
    Zhang Shujuan, He Yong, Ge Xiaofang, Wu Chunxia
    2002, 18(6): 91-94.
    Abstract PDF
    Wastewater Purifying Technology of Intensive Aquiculture Greenhouse: A Case Study on an Automatically Controlled Ecological Greenhouse
    Chen Min, Liu Zhongzhu, Bian Zuliang
    2002, 18(6): 95-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of Inside Thermal Screen of Multi-Span Greenhouse on Energy Conservation
    Cai Longjun, Lang Lin
    2002, 18(6): 98-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Intelligent Control Methods of Greenhouse System Niche
    Li Yimin, Hu Shousong, Li Li
    2002, 18(6): 103-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Cultivating Technologies of Some Indeterminate Growth Crops in Greenhouses by Deep Flow Technique
    Zhang Shuge, Song Weitang, Huang Zhidong
    2002, 18(6): 107-110.
    Abstract PDF
    Temperature and Energy-Saving Effects of Applying the Mobile Double Layers Thermal Screen in A Grcenhouse
    Cui Qingfa, Wang Jing
    2002, 18(6): 111-114.
    Abstract PDF
    Field Bus and Design Scheme for Greenhouse Intelligent Control System
    Wang Dingcheng, Fang Tingjian, Ma Yongjun
    2002, 18(6): 115-117.
    Abstract PDF
    Utilization of Soy Sauce Dregs Fermented by Salt-Resistant Rhodospirillaceae Bacteria to Produce Protein-Enriched Feed
    Qiu Hongduan, Li Mingwei, Chen Conghui, Xu Shannan
    2002, 18(6): 118-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Correlations Between Chemical-Physical Properties and Nutrient Contents in Broiler Manure
    Han Lujia, Hu Zhengzheng, Yan Qiaojuan, Liu Yi
    2002, 18(6): 123-126.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental Study of Abattoir Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor
    Zhang Wenyi
    2002, 18(6): 127-130.
    Abstract PDF
    Comprehensive Extraction Technologies of Active Constituents of Tea
    Wang Xingping, Zhou Zhi, Mo Kaiju, Zhang Jianian
    2002, 18(6): 131-136.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental Studies on the Optimal Drying Techniques of High Moisture Content Rough Rice
    Yang Zhou, Luo Xiwen, Li Changyou
    2002, 18(6): 137-140.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Study on the Shrinkage Equation of Boundary of Spheral Fruits and Vegetables
    Zhang Jingping, Peng Zheng, Shao Zhenhua
    2002, 18(6): 141-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Comprehensive Extraction Technology of Ginsenoside, the total Amino Acid and Polysaccharide of Gynistemma Pentaphyllum Makino With Sweet Taste
    Zheng Xiaojiang, Liu Jinlong
    2002, 18(6): 144-147.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation Study on Cooling Process of Plain Food With MATLAB
    Zhang Taohong, Liu Weimin, Jiang Song, Xu Shengyan
    2002, 18(6): 148-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Mineral Element Contents in Chrysanthemum Nankingense H.M and the Prescription of Its Juice Drinks
    Xiao Mei, Liu Biao, Zhao Renzheng
    2002, 18(6): 151-154.
    Abstract PDF
    Formula Optimization of Edible Konjac Glucomannan Complex Film Resistant to Water and High Temperature
    Sun Yuanming, Yang Jun, Zhang Guoquan, Ding Jinlong
    2002, 18(6): 155-157.
    Abstract PDF
    Real Time Intelligent Inspecting and Grading Line of Fruits
    Jiang Huanyu, Ying Yibin, Wang Jiangping, Rao Xiuqin, Xu Huirong, Wang Maohua
    2002, 18(6): 158-160.
    Abstract PDF
    Cotton Production Management System Based on the CottonPlus Model for Xinjiang and Huang-Huai-Hai Regions in China
    Qiu Jianjun, Xiao Yingnan, Dai Yiming, Hu Xining, Wang Ru, Lin Hai
    2002, 18(6): 161-164.
    Abstract PDF
    Measuring Method of Seed Spacing on Test Rig Based on Image Processing Techniques
    Li Wei, Lin Jiachun, Tan Yuzhi, Zhang Bin
    2002, 18(6): 165-168.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and Test of the Tree Stump Excavation Robot
    Lu Huaimin
    2002, 18(6): 169-172.
    Abstract PDF
    Intelligent Technologies in Automatic Grading of Flue-Cured Tobacco
    Han Liqun, He Wei, Duan Zhengang, Su Weijun, Shi Qinxia
    2002, 18(6): 173-175.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation Method on Minqin Oasis Desertification with Remote Sensing
    Sun Danfeng, Li Hong
    2002, 18(6): 176-181.
    Abstract PDF
    Model of Sustainable Utilization of Land Resources of Small Watersheds in Three Gorges Area
    Ni Jiupai, Fu Tao, He Binghui, Wei Chaofu
    2002, 18(6): 182-185.
    Abstract PDF
    Theory and Methods of the Planning of Sustainable Agricultural Land Consolidation Project
    Ye Yanmei, Wu Cifang, Liu Keqing, Cheng Chengbiao, Zhen Ruihui
    2002, 18(6): 186-189.
    Abstract PDF
    Energy-saving Technologies and Operational Management of Agricultural Motors in China
    Cheng Li, Chen Zhaozhang, Yuan Shouqi
    2002, 18(6): 190-194.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications and Prospects of Laser Measurement Technology on Research of Combustion Engine
    Wang Dacheng
    2002, 18(6): 195-199.
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion on a Precise Definition of "Sunlight Greenhouse"
    Zhou Changji, Yang Zhensheng
    2002, 18(6): 200-202.
    Abstract PDF
    Technology of Pesticide Application and Food Security
    Qi Lijun, Fu Zetian, Shi Yan
    2002, 18(6): 203-206.
    Abstract PDF