    Research progress, current exploitations and developing trends of solid cultivation medium
    Guo Shirong
    2005, 21(14): 1-4.
    Abstract PDF
    Review on research of plant salt tolerance and its mechanism and genetic engineering
    Feng Libo, Jiang Weijie, Kang Xiuping, Yu Hongjun
    2005, 21(14): 5-9.
    Abstract PDF
    Status of vegetable production and agricultural plastic use in Italy
    Wang Huaisong, Zhang Zhibin, Chen Yuhui
    2005, 21(14): 10-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Research advances of haploid breeding of cucumber
    Su Hua, Jin Baoyan, Ren Huazhong
    2005, 21(14): 13-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Present situation of the effect of fertilization measures on protected soil and crop
    Chen Jinjing, Gao Lihong, Cao Zhifu
    2005, 21(14): 16-20.
    Abstract PDF
    Growth and development of apricot in greenhouse
    Du Junjie, Cao Qin, Wen Pengfei, Pang Fahu
    2005, 21(14): 21-23.
    Abstract PDF
    Present situation and developmental tendency on system of water-saving irrigation of vegetable production in protective cultivation
    Guo Wenzhong, Chen Qingyun, Gao Lihong, Qu Mei, Xu Xinfu
    2005, 21(14): 24-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of suitable establishment areas of dangerous horticultural crop nematode, Radopholus similis in China using GIS
    Zhou Liqun, Xie Bingyan, Shen Wenjun, Yang Yuhong, Li Dingjun
    2005, 21(14): 28-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Image processing and extracting color features of greenhouse diseased leaf
    Cui Yanli, Cheng Pengfei, Dong Xiaozhi, Liu Zhihua, Wang Shuangxi
    2005, 21(14): 32-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of insufflating air in the nutrient solution on the growth of Philodendron Pluto, Aloe barbadensis, Echinocactus link et otto and D.marginata
    Xing Shuhui, Luo Jian, Chen Yonghui, Wang Mei, Lin Dongjiao, Liu Shizhe
    2005, 21(14): 36-40.
    Abstract PDF
    Differences of photosynthesis and growth in seedlings of different peppers under weak light
    Sui Xiaolei, Zhang Baoxi, Zhang Zhenxian, Mao Shengli, Wang Lihao
    2005, 21(14): 41-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of environmental control technology in sugar-free micropropagation
    Liu Wenke, Yang Qichang
    2005, 21(14): 45-49.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation and experiment of dry matter production of greenhouse cucumber under different light intensities
    Sun Zhongfu, Chen Qing, Wang Yingchun
    2005, 21(14): 50-52.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of soil conditioner on soil physical and chemical properties and physiological characteristics of cabbage
    Chen Zhiqun, Sun Zhiqiang
    2005, 21(14): 53-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of P deficiency on different genotype tomato seedling
    Wan Yanhui, Zhu Longying, Yang Zhijie, Zhu Weimin
    2005, 21(14): 57-59.
    Abstract PDF
    Endurance to high temperature stress of grafted tomato
    Fan Shuangxi, Wang Shaohui
    2005, 21(14): 60-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Sunshading and cooling effects of southern greenhouse under different periods and its influences on growth, development and yield of the sweet pepper
    Wang Yuyan, Dang Xuanmin, Zhu Guopeng
    2005, 21(14): 64-66.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of exogenous spermidine on ROS content and antioxidant enzyme activities in root of cucumber seedlings under root-zone hypoxia stress
    Wang Tian, Hu Xiaohui, Guo Shirong, Wang Suping
    2005, 21(14): 67-71.
    Abstract PDF
    Endurance of greenhouse cucumber to weak light and the interaction of sub-low temperature and weak light
    Chen Qingjun, Fan Shuangxi, Wang Shaohui
    2005, 21(14): 72-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different irrigation maximums on growth dynamics, yield and quality of cucumber during fruit-bearing stage in greenhouse
    Zou Zhirong, Li Qingming, He Zhongqun
    2005, 21(14): 77-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of exogenous 24-epibrassinolide on antioxidant system and protein content in cucumber seedlings under nutrient solution hypoxia stress
    Kang Yunyan, Guo Shirong, Duan Jiuju
    2005, 21(14): 82-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of exogenous spermidine on reactive oxygen metablism of cucumber seedlings under salt stress
    Duan Jiuju, Guo Shirong, Kang Yunyan
    2005, 21(14): 87-91.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different deficit irrigation periods on yield and fruit quality of tomato
    Liu Mingchi, Zhang Shenhao, Liu Xiangli
    2005, 21(14): 92-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparative studies on the effect of NaCl stress on Cucurbita ficifolia and Cucurbita pepo seed germination
    Wang Guangyin, Han Shidong, Zhao Yipeng
    2005, 21(14): 96-98.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of CO2 enrichment on absorption and distribution of mineral elements in cucumber seedlings
    Wei Min, Yin Yandong, Wang Xiufeng, Xing Yuxian
    2005, 21(14): 99-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Photosynthetic characteristics of CO2 enrichment in melon seedlings
    Zhao Guanyan, Zhu Shidong, Li Donglin, Shan Guolei, Wang Jitao
    2005, 21(14): 103-105.
    Abstract PDF
    Growth and stem flow variation of cucumber in greenhouse
    Zhang Hongmei, Yu Jizhu, Jin Haijun
    2005, 21(14): 106-108.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different nutrient solution concentrations on the growth and nitrate accumulation of hydroponic lettuce
    Bie Zhilong, Xu Jialin, Yang Xiaofeng
    2005, 21(14): 109-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Review on application of color model in monitoring nitrogen status of vegetables
    Cai Hongchang, Cui Haixin, Song Weitang, Gao Lihong
    2005, 21(14): 113-117.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence of plug cell size on root vigor and seedling quality of graft watermelon seedling
    Si Yaping, Cheng Sunliang, Chen Diankui
    2005, 21(14): 118-120.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and application of disinfection techniques of nutrient solution in soilless culture
    Liu Wei, Chen Diankui, E. A. van Os
    2005, 21(14): 121-124.
    Abstract PDF
    Measurement of ozone concentration in water and stability of ozone in three liquids
    Liu Fen, Song Weitang, Zhao Shiduo, Xu Duowu, Mo Junyi, Wang Yunhong
    2005, 21(14): 125-128.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental studies on fertilizer-adding amount in eggplant plug seedling production with vermicompost-based media
    Shang Qingmao, Zhang Zhigang
    2005, 21(14): 129-132.
    Abstract PDF
    Plant residues harvested in floating culture system as tomato seedling substrate
    Miao Bingbing, Luo Jian, Lin Dongjiao, Liu Shizhe
    2005, 21(14): 133-136.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of foliage applications of KH2PO4 and glucose on photosynthesis and sucrose metabolism of tomato
    Qi Hongyan, Li Tianlai, Chen Yuanhong, Zhang Jie
    2005, 21(14): 137-142.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of nitrogen nutrient on the growth and quality of Chinese Kale
    Chen Riyuan, Liu Houcheng, Song Chuanzhen, Sun Guangwen
    2005, 21(14): 143-146.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different nitrogen forms on the dry matter accumulation and leaf nitrogen metabolism of muskmelon
    Xu Ruyi, Bie Zhilong, Huang Danfeng
    2005, 21(14): 147-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of fertilization levels on the growth and development of tomato in solar greenhouse
    Zhang Guohong, Yuan Liping, Guo Yinghua, Zhu Xin, Zhang Zhenxian
    2005, 21(14): 151-154.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of K+ and Ca2+ on membrane lipid peroxidation and endogenous oxygen radicals scavenging enzymes systems under NO-3 stress in cucumber seedling
    Yang Fengjuan, Wang Xiufeng, Wei Min, Yan Tong
    2005, 21(14): 155-158.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different nitrogen fertilization patterns on the quality of the lettuce and soil environment
    Sun Zhiqiang, Zhao Weixing, Zhang Wenbo
    2005, 21(14): 159-161.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of maize stem substrate fermented by different nitrogen resources and ratios on tomato seedling growth
    Liu Chaojie, Wang Jiqing, Wang Fang
    2005, 21(14): 162-164.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of water content in growing media on yield and growth of Chinese chive in greenhouse
    Yu Hongjun, Jiang Weijie, Qu Dongyu, Li Hong, Shi Zhenxia, Tong Xiaogang
    2005, 21(14): 165-168.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of AMF inoculated in different substrates on growth of tomato and activity of PAL and PPO
    He Zhongqun, He Chaoxing, Zhang Zhibin, Zou Zhirong
    2005, 21(14): 169-172.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental study on organic soil cultivation of sweet pepper in solar greenhouse
    Zhang Zhibin, Xu Zhihan, He Chaoxing
    2005, 21(14): 173-177.
    Abstract PDF
    Floating phytoremediation system by planting Canna generalis for dual purposes of purification of piggery wastewater and nursery
    Cai Qiuliang, Lin Dongjiao, He Jiawen, He Zhenzhu, Zhu Yupeng, Zeng Zhanjun, Liu Shizhe
    2005, 21(14): 178-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Breeding of eggplant varieties Huqie No.2 and Huqie No.3
    Zha Dingshi, Fan Linhua, Chen Jianlin
    2005, 21(14): 181-183.
    Abstract PDF
    Causes and control measures for continuous cropping obstacles in protected vegetable cultivation
    Sun Guangwen, Chen Riyuan, Liu Houcheng
    2005, 21(14): 184-188.
    Abstract PDF
    Growth and development properties of cucumber under modern greenhouse cultivation
    Chen Chunhong, Xiang Bangyin
    2005, 21(14): 189-193.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of different mature degrees and late mature days treatments on the quality of gynoecious inbred line of mini-cucumber seeds
    Wang Peng, Wang Liping
    2005, 21(14): 194-196.
    Abstract PDF
    Research and application of precise fertilizer applicator
    Yang Renquan, Wang Gang, Zhou Zengchan, Zhang Xiaowen, Bu Yunlong, Wu Jianhong
    2005, 21(14): 197-199.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of plant leaf area measurement instrument based on virtual instrument technology
    Zhang Yunhe, Qiao Xiaojun, Wang Cheng, Zhang Xin, Tian Hongwu
    2005, 21(14): 200-203.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of different deep flowing technique installations on yield and quality of lettuce
    Chen Yuan, Cheng Qingyun, Gao Lihong, Qu Mei, Zhang Li, Song Shengyin
    2005, 21(14): 204-207.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of the fixed screen for greenhouse thermal conservation using mulch as material
    Wang Junling, Wen Xiangzhen
    2005, 21(14): 208-210.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of the different bottom shapes of NFT cultivation bed on the growth and quality of the lettuce
    Zhang Li, Chen Qingyun, Gao Lihong, Qu Mei, Chen Yuan, Song Shengyin
    2005, 21(14): 211-213.
    Abstract PDF
    Design of the solar lean-to greenhouse without wall and preliminary study on the photoeffect
    Cui Shimao, Chen Yuanmin, Huo Xiuwen, Wang Xiaojuan, Ma Cuiping, Li Rui
    2005, 21(14): 214-217.
    Abstract PDF
    Present siutuation, problems and relevant countermeasures of protected horticulture in Xinjiang Uygur Autonmous Region
    Yi Hongping, Zhao Yongsheng
    2005, 21(14): 218-220.
    Abstract PDF
    Questions on the ozone application in greenhouse vegetable production
    Liu Dilin, Cai Jie
    2005, 21(14): 221-224.
    Abstract PDF
    Present situation and development prospect of protected cultivation in Hainan Province
    Cao Bing, Li Jinsong, Chen Guangming, Lin Yaqiong, Kuang Bagen
    2005, 21(14): 225-226.
    Abstract PDF
    Present situation and countermeasures of protected agriculture of Turpan city in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
    Wang Yanping
    2005, 21(14): 227-228.
    Abstract PDF
    Structure of recycled foam soilless culture system and its application in vegetable production
    Xu Zhihao, Shou Weisong, Zhou Shengjun, Dong Wenqi, Dai Danli, Lei Juanli
    2005, 21(14): 229-231.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the wireless sensor networks in agriculture
    Qiao Xiaojun, Zhang Xin, Wang Cheng, Ren Dong, He Xiuhong
    2005, 21(14): 232-234.
    Abstract PDF
    Harmless technique for comprehensive prevention and control of root knot nematode on tomato in solar greenhouse
    Wang Yujiang, Zhai Naijun, Sun Dongwen, Tian Xue
    2005, 21(14): 235-237.
    Abstract PDF
    Change of pathogen resistance related protein after induced by glucohexaose
    Fan Haiyan, Li Baoju, Qu Bo
    2005, 21(14): 238-239.
    Abstract PDF
    Mulch type of protected cultivation under simple constructions on Hami-melon growing in Hainan
    Li Jinsong, Cao Bing, Chen Guangming, Lin Yaqiong, Kuang Bagen
    2005, 21(14): 240-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Developmental stage simulation model for long-term tomato growing in greenhouse
    Xu Gang, Zhang Changwei, Li Decui, Sun Yanjun
    2005, 21(14): 243-246.
    Abstract PDF
    Empirical analysis of the difference of rice production costs in China
    Tian Xinjian, Qin Fu, Li Mingyang
    2005, 21(14): 247-250.
    Abstract PDF